Saturday, September 05, 2015


Imagine for a moment that you're watching a scene through your window.  There is a big pot party going on at the house across the street.  In your community, marijuana is still illegal.  No medical marijuana cards, no nothing.  A police officer was summoned to respond to complains.

He walks up to the door of the house and knocks on the door.  It opens, he talks to the residents and then turns and walks away.  No arrests.  No order to disperse the guests.  You step out of your home and approach the officer.  You ask him why he did nothing, even though you weren't the one who called the police to complain.  His response shocks you.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a Rastafarian and to me, ganja is sacred.  I cannot enforce laws prohibiting its use because they violate my religious liberty.  You should call the desk sergeant and ask him to have another officer respond."

Sounds ridiculous, but this is exactly what Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis is doing.  Refusing to do her job claiming that it is infringing upon her religious liberty.

Let's try another one.  A young woman is now 17 years of age, has passed the required driver training courses and is now eligible to take the driving test to get her license from the DMV.  The examiner who is supposed to give her the test steps out and joins her at her car.  "I'm sorry Miss, but I cannot perform your examination.  In my faith, women are not allowed to drive, so performing your driver's examination would violate my religious liberty.  I will arrange for your examination to be rescheduled with another examiner."

Just as ridiculous.

The people of Rowan County did not elect Ms Davis to pass moral judgment on their marriages.  She is supposed to certify that they've met the legal requirements as set forth in federal, state and local laws.  Not according to any religious teachings.

Do the job you were elected/hired to do.  Or quit.  But don't claim you can't do what you were hired to do when your faith isn't impacted in any way, shape or form by you doing your job.  Your blessing isn't required.  Only the performance of your duties.