Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Where God's authority stops

So much has been done in the name of God, since human beings began to walk this planet.  Good and evil.

If you believe in God, then you must remember this.  God gave you and everyone else, free will.  The freedom to choose.  If two men or two women choose to marry, they are exercising their God-given free will.  It is not up to Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis to abrogate that choice.  That is not in her job description.

Issuing marriages licenses with her name on them as the county clerk is not an endorsement of the marriage.  It is simply certifying that the couple has met the legal requirements under the laws of the United States, Kentucky and Rowan County to get married  Nothing more.

So she can do the job she was elected to do, she can resign, or she can go to jail and/or pay heavy fines.

It also seems silly for someone to claim to be so concerned about God's definition of marriage when considering the fact that she herself has been married four times.  God defines marriage as a lifetime commitment.  A biblical definition she has defiled.  The Bible tells us that God hates divorce.  Well then, why did she get divorced three separate times?

Just sit down, shut up and issue the licenses, Ms Davis.