Friday, March 20, 2015

Trump for President? Why?

Without any experience in an elected office, once again Donald Trump claims he is giving serious consideration to running for the presidency of the United States in the 2016 election.  Is this a publicity stunt?  Perhaps.  Does he seriously believe that he could win such an election?  When you are Donald Trump and possessed of one of the biggest egos on the planet, of course he believes he could win the presidency.  He probably he can do just about anything if he puts his mind to it.  Except of course to win the Miss Universe pageant, but since he owns that, even that might not be beyond his grasp.

You have to go back to the 1950s to find a presidential election where the winner had no experience in elected office.  Dwight D. Eisenhower had been a military governor in post-WWII Germany, but his first election campaign was in 1952 and he won the presidency.  Every other president elected to the Oval Office has been either a state governor, U. S. Senator, or was the Vice-President before winning that ultimate electoral prize.  While Ronald Reagan might have been best known as an actor, Jimmy Carter as a peanut farmer and George W. Bush as the owner of a baseball team, all three were governors of states and achieved varying degrees of success in those roles.

Donald Trump says he is the only person who can make America "...great again."  The truth is, he is part of the problem and not the solution.  The biggest problem facing this nation at the moment is the growing inequality of income, which in turn drives the gap in the inequality of wealth to perilous heights.  Trump doesn't want the rich to take on a heavier burden in rebuilding our nation's economy.  He's just fine separating anyone and everyone from what they can earn and putting it into his own pocket.

Aside from the fact that he has no qualifications to be president (he has gone bankrupt way too many times to use his "business success" as a platform), he's also lacking in common sense.  He has a hair-trigger temper, not the kind of person well-suited to be in command of an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Yes, his doomed-to-fail candidacy will be amusing.  Worse yet, it is frightening, because there are lots of gullible folks out there who think he is a genius.  Don't let this become a serious thing.  A Donald Trump presidency would be very dangerous, in my opinion, for us all.

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"Empire" is a major success for the Fox Network and rightly so.  Great writing and acting, with discussion of relevant issues are almost always going to result in strong interest.  In the case of this program, having a gay male African-American character isn't a stunt to draw attention, but a real element of the story.  Better still, it is being handled thoughtfully and realistically.  At least from what little I know on the topic.

What would be really great though, is when we get to the time when such things are the norm rather than the exception.  What a great world that would be to live in.

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Random Ponderings:

Could someone please hire a good publicist for Gwyneth Paltrow so she will stop saying really stupid shit?  Apparently she thinks the "common woman" doesn't blink at spending $45 for a "single color nail polish kit" and $1,795 for a jumpsuit with only one shoulder.

A woman being investigated for the murder of her deaf sister and the sister's dogs sounds like a perfect candidate for Jerry Springer, except for the fact she is a producer on the show already.

Robert Durst being in a psych ward sounds like a good thing. 

Creflo Dollar should learn to fly first class on a commercial airline.

Lots of things are interesting about celebrity gossip, but that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes don't communicate isn't one of them.

I'll actually watch "Sharknado 3" if I find out that Ann Coulter will be eaten by one of the sharks.

I'm confused.  The people who are complaining the loudest about the rise in Ellis Act convictions don't like that law, yet they're the same ones who went around in the late 1970s and thereafter talking about how Rent Control is the LAW.  You either support laws or you don't.  Don't like a law, work to change it.

Did anyone really think banning new fast food restaurants in the South Los Angeles area was going to reduce obesity?  Especially since the ban only applied to stand-alone facilities?

Interesting how the White House is saying U. S. support for Israel at the UN is in jeopardy only after the Obama administration choice to win the election in Israel loses.