Monday, February 16, 2015

Ego, Delusions of Superego and the Idiocy of the Id

My life, in a YouTube clip.  I've been up since before 5 a.m. for at least the fourth straight day.  I think my cumulative sleep total during that time is between 14 and 16 hours.  To call me utterly exhausted isn't even close to an accurate description.  Yet, here it is my scheduled day off and I have a full slate of work and clients.

Normally, to comply with the limited resources my physical infirmities have left me with, I only work three days a week on a regular basis.  If I don't do something, I will work every single day this week except Wednesday, although I have only one client scheduled for Friday and again on Saturday.

This cannot continue.  I will be right back in a hospital bed, or worse.  The question is, do I suck it up for another day, ignore the fatigue and what it is doing to me?  My plans to have some fun and play trivia tonight will almost certainly have to be canceled.

I'm going to move the clients scheduled on Friday and Saturday to other days.  I'm going to move the clients scheduled the following Saturday to other days.  I'm going to make sure I get a minimum of three days a week off, after this week; until April 10th (I can work five or six straight full days, knowing I have ten weeks off after April 15th).  The question is, what to do about today?  Do I go in, or do I call in sick?  Frankly, I don't know what to do.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

So why is this such a struggle?  Because I absolutely loathe telling people "no."  I don't like hearing it myself.  I sometimes think the reason I'm not more aggressive about pursuing writing as a profession is that I don't want to have to deal with the rejection letters.

* * *

Last November, we had elections in California.  470 superior court judge slots were up for grabs.  Or might have been except for the fact that 450 incumbent superior court judges ran for reelection without opposition and did not appear on the ballot.  Only two incumbents who were opposed lost their seats.

This system needs to change.  The people need to have the right to recall judges who no longer deserve to be on the bench, but making them stand for election on a regular basis dilutes their ability to be impartial arbiters of the judicial process. 

Fast forward this video to just past the 16 minute mark and watch the judges rip apart the assistant attorney general who attempts to defend a prosecutor who lied on the witness stand.  Judge Alex Kozinski, a member of the panel in this video, has talked about what he describes as an "...epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct..." and he claims that California's trial judges won't act on it because it could harm their chances to remain on the bench.

Fine.  Make judges able to act appropriately on the bench and not have to worry about appearing to be "soft on crime" because they hold prosecutors to the appropriate standard.  Let judges who go too far down the wrong road be recalled by the voting population. 

* * *

A few years ago, when I was between full-time jobs outside of doing taxes, I took a position with a small, family-owned business.  They needed someone for one season, as the person I was replacing would be back the following year, as he was doing a short term in jail.  Guess the best way to get job security is to be the son of one of the owners of a business, as he was.

In mid-March, I got a job offer in my primary field at the time and I wanted to take it.  The owners called me into a meeting when I mentioned I'd be giving notice.  They wanted to change our deal.  They were going to invest in me.  Buy a book of business and make it so that I could earn more money the following year by staying with them, rather than working full-time year-round.  It sounded good, so I passed on the other position.

Big mistake.  They reneged on the deal.  They lied, just because they needed me to stay with them through April, as there was no way they could hire a replacement at that point in tax season.  Expensive lesson for me, but never trust the promise of someone where you have no recourse or guarantee they will live up to the commitment.  Get it in writing.  Make it enforceable.

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Random Ponderings: 

Kris Jenner is making noises that she may drop her current last name and be known "professionally" as just Kris, from that point forward.  She's not important enough to be known by a single name, and the Jenner name is currently her sole redeeming feature.  Showing a lack of compassion for Bruce as the transition begins is just one more piece of evidence that she continues to be less than kind to her former husband.

If so-called "sovereign citizens" aren't citizens of the United States, let's deport them elsewhere.

What does it really mean for the future of American Express that Costco isn't renewing their exclusive deal?  It isn't good, that's for sure.

Republicans in Congress are having so many pissing contests I'm beginning to believe they've installed pipes from the congressional urinals leading to the RNC headquarters so they won't run out of piss.

On a related note, allowing the funding for the Department of Homeland Security to run out would be the first misstep by the Republicans in blowing a chance to regain the White House in 2016.

There isn't a single good reason for the California State Senate to be buying new hybrid cars to replace vehicles with less than 13,000 miles on them.

Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson can kiss my ass.  The fact that Bruce Jenner is going to transition changes nothing in terms of the accomplishments of a lifetime.  If he no longer considers Jenner a hero in his mind, that's his problem.

People who think that Eddie Murphy couldn't be funny on the SNL 40 year reunion clearly don't know the man.  He chose to express his true feelings, rather than going for a cheap "Buckwheat" laugh.  For those who needed a cheap laugh, here ya go:


I like the fact that while today is known as "President's Day" that is not the name of the federal holiday.  Today is officially Washington's Birthday.  Some states did label the holiday as President's Day at the state level.  George Washington, first in war, first in peace and first to wear a wig and stretch pants. He was wearing yoga pants long before anyone in the U. S. was doing yoga.

At Hometown Buffett, every Tuesday is Fat Tuesday.

The Koch Brothers are planning to produce a steamy sex-filled movie of their own.  Fifty Shades of Gray Flannel.