Sunday, March 22, 2015

Let's check the records...wait, they were deleted

Records Management by Federal Agencies

(44 U.S.C. Chapter 31)
§ 3101. Records management by agency heads; general duties
§ 3102. Establishment of program of management
§ 3103. Transfer of records to records centers
§ 3104. Certifications and determinations on transferred records
§ 3105. Safeguards
§ 3106. Unlawful removal, destruction of records
§ 3107. Authority of Comptroller General
The full texts of these U.S.C. sections can be found here:
I'm not sure that Congressman Trey Gowdy is the right person to be seeking an examination of the private email server of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Given his role as chair of the House Committee on Benghazi, it is impossible to avoid having this appear as a witch hunt about Benghazi rather than as a legitimate search for the truth.

But he is absolutely correct that someone needs to examine this file server and ensure that none of the more than 30,000 emails that were deleted contain any information on any official business that Secretary Clinton was involved in while serving as this nation's Secretary of State.  The law is clear.  Records must be preserved until it is clearly established that they are devoid of any official government business/information.

Allowing someone who is a member of the President's Cabinet to conduct official and unofficial business via email through a private server, doesn't pass either the common sense or basic smell test.  It stinks to high heaven.  On the issue of the server's security, Secretary Clinton said "...the server had numerous safeguards" and she didn't "...send classified email to anyone."  That's tough to believe.  Not one single email went through that server that didn't contain one line of classified data?  I don't buy it.

Investigation is warranted.

* * *

There's a much better solution to the ongoing negotiations with Iran over nuclear energy and the possibility that they may someday gain the ability to develop a nuclear weapon.  Simply enforce the provisions of an agreement that is already in force.

Iran is a signatory to the Treaty for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.  They have been found to be in violation of the terms of the treaty.  They are allowed to engage in peaceful, non-weapons-based uses of nuclear energy.  Simply insist on treaty compliance.  We don't need a new executive agreement, or a new bilateral treaty between the U. S. and Iran.

* * *

On a related note to the issue of the lack of transparency in Hillary Rodham Clinton's choice to use a personal, private email server for official government correspondence, I heard an interesting news nugget this past week. 

According to the Associated Press, the Obama Administration has set a new record for censoring government files, or denying access to them altogether.  His administration has taken longer to provide records, claimed more often than any other administration that it is unable to locate documents, and refused a record number of times to turn over filed more quickly when confronted with a request for especially newsworthy records.

The Obama Administration has acknowledged that more than one out of every three requests, an initial decision to deny access was improper; but only when faced with a challenge to the decision to deny.

In an era where the backlog of unfulfilled requests for records has reached all-time highs, the Obama Administration has made a 9% reduction in the number of full-time government employees across all levels of federal government who handle requests for records.

All this at a time when the number of requests submitted in 2014 actually decreased by 4%.  What I find really telling is that one sentence was blacked out on an email about who pays for the expensive clothing of First Lady Michelle Obama.  But the same sentence was not deleted on a subsequent page.  What did it say?

"We live in constant fear of upsetting the WH (White House)."

Most transparent administration in history my ass.

* * *

Random Ponderings:

I'm not surprised that Suge Knight fainted when he heard his bail would be $25 million.  No way he can post that.  Maybe he can hang on in the hospital jail ward for a bit.  The conditions he's being held in, for his own safety, do not sound appealing.

If Alessandra Ambrosio wants to bring her kids to a photo shoot where she's posing topless, who cares?  Now when she starts inviting fans...then people should care.

Today was the 9,875th consecutive episode of the Jerry Springer show where there was at least one reference to both strippers and lesbians.  No word on when this impressive streak might be broken (yeah, that's a moderate exaggeration).

Meanwhile, myself and other twisted fans of the Maury Povich show wait in hope of hearing Maury say the nearly impossible words "when it comes to six month so and so, you are NOT the mother."

This bulletin just in, the former LAPD probationary officer who is accused of allegedly murdering someone is to be considered armed and dangerous.  Really?  And we were all thinking he was as mild and meek as a lamb.

The L. A. Times is reporting that Bruce Jenner has purchased a 3,500 square foot home on an 11 acre plot in Malibu.  Well, he will be needing a lot more closet space...

I hope that Bobby Brown gets the miracle he is praying for, and that Bobbi Kristina Brown will wake up, but it seems awfully unlikely.  I do know I don't like those kinds of places, having spent nine months in one.

When Holly Madison tours in support of her new book, I will probably stand in line to get her to sign a copy for me.  I want to see if she remembers me from her days at the Hooters in Santa Monica.  I always sat in her section if she was working.  Loved seeing her move around the joint on her roller skates.

The neighbor of the Miamisburg, OH woman (she lost a leg last year) who left the nasty note regarding her misappropriation of the handicapped parking space needs to be publically identified and shamed for her rudeness and bullying.  So should anyone who assumes they can tell whether or not a person who has a handicapped placard does or doesn't need it.

Eva Mendes is wrong when she says sweatpants are the #1 cause of divorce.  The real #1 cause of divorce is Bigger, Better Deal (BBD) syndrome.  That is what leads to so much marital infidelity.