Friday, June 07, 2013

Sad day in Santa Monica and other headlines

Police are still trying to unravel exactly what happened in Santa Monica today.  At this hour, there are reports that this began as a home invasion robbery, moved to another house where two people were killed, another shot outside the house and then a woman was carjacked; from there the suspect allegedly sprayed bullets at a Big Blue Bus, and then the shooter moved onto the Santa Monica College Campus.  Police reports say the suspect was taken into custody in the library and was wounded.  Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center reports treating six victims.

An actress from Texas who has had minor roles in "The Walking Dead" and "The Vampire Diaries" has been arrested in connection with those ricin-tainted letters sent to the President and other politicians.  Shannon Rogers Richardson is reported to have possibly sent the letters intending to have her husband blamed for them.

Billionaire Mark Cuban is taking a new approach to his dislike of "flopping" by NBA players.  Rather than badgering refs, he is sponsoring a study into the subject.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will get $3 million for her memoir.

When they say easy on the soy sauce, take it seriously.  A 19 year old spent three days in a coma after drinking a quart of soy sauce on a dare.  He has completely recovered, but he could have died or suffered serious neurological damage.

Socks with sandals?  That's usually done by men, and usually by older men.  Not Sarah Jessica Parker, a style icon.  But she did it recently.

President Obama - "No one is listening to your calls."  "....minor encroachments that have helped Americans."  This from the man who tried to restrict wireless data collection back in 2005 when he was a Senator.

Two employees at a Whole Foods Market in New Mexico claim they were suspended for a day for questioning the store's "English only" policy during work hours.  The company says they were suspended for being rude to a manager.

Staples Center is giving away two tickets to an upcoming Justin Bieber concert in a contest as first prize.  Second prize is one ticket.  Third prize is no tickets.

The judge who granted guardianship of the children of the late Michael Jackson to Katherine Jackson has ordered an investigation into her alleged suicide attempt; to see if the welfare of the children has been compromised.

The "Night Stalker", Richard Ramirez has died.

Former MLB star Jose Canseco has been cleared of sexual assault charges in Las Vegas.