Monday, June 24, 2013

Former Italian Prime Minister convicted and other Monday news

Silvio Berlusconi is the former Prime Minister of Italy.  Now, at age 76, he is also a convicted criminal.  He was found guilty of paying a minor for sex and abuse of power in office.  He received a sentence of seven years in prison and was banned from public office for life (never understood the "for life" thing, why not just say forever?).  Since under the Italian system of justice he has two levels of appeal before he goes to prison, he might never see the inside of a cell.

A man spent all night swimming in San Diego trying to avoid arrest, but he finally gave up at 5:00 a.m.  He was being pursued regarding allegations involving drugs.

Want an iPhone 5 and don't want to spend a lot of money?  AT&T will sell you one for only $129.  Or if you have an older model iPhone, go to Best Buy.  You can trade in the old iPhone and get the new model for free.

Edward Snowden was supposed to board a plane in Moscow and fly to Cuba, but apparently he was not on board the plane when it departed Sheremetyevo Airport. 

If someone told you to go see a documentary about the life of Hossein Vaziri, you would probably have no idea who he is, or why his story would make a good documentary.  But if you knew it was about former WWE superstar, the Iron Sheik, it might seem a lot more interesting.  He and his managers are attempting to raise funds to make that documentary. 

A six year old in Colorado won the right to use the girls' bathroom at her school.  She was "deemed" transgender by a psychologist at the age of four.  The Colorado Civil Rights Division ruled in her favor.

Jane Wicker, the 44 year old wing walker and budget analyst who died over the weekend in a crash at an Ohio air show had been scheduled to marry a fellow wing walker in an airborne ceremony.

Josh Miller has made a new documentary, chronicling his 30 day journey where he tried to live on only those products made in the USA.

Michelle Trachtenberg will portray the wife of alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in an upcoming NatGeo movie on the Kennedy assassination.

George Lucas got married over the weekend.  That's news, but one interesting factoid is that it was journalist Bill Moyers who officiated at the ceremony where Lucas married Mellody Hobson.

Smithfield Foods has become the latest business to drop celebrity chef Paula Deen. 

The state of Washington is preparing to send furlough notices to thousands of workers employed by state agencies.  The state's two-year budget is coming to an end and without the approval of a new budget, there is no alternative to the furloughs.

George Zimmer, former executive chairman of The Men's Wearhouse has resigned from the company's board of directors today.  Here's a quote from his letter of resignation:  "Over the past several months I have expressed my concerns to the Board about the direction the company is currently heading. Instead of fostering the kind of dialogue in the Boardroom that has, in part, contributed to our success, the Board has inappropriately chosen to silence my concerns by terminating me as an executive officer."

Former NBA star Scottie Pippen allegedly knocked out an autograph seeker outside a Malibu restaurant on Sunday night.  While earlier reports indicated that he'd been arrested, that is not the case.

According to TMZ, the body of James Gandolfini has arrived in New Jersey, via private jet.

Charlie Manuel is the manager of MLB's Philadelphia Phillies.  Over the weekend, he was baited into threatening a reporter.  The reporter asked "when are you gonna score ten runs" and Manuel's reply was "when I knock you out."

Flat screen televisions, tuned into sports, check.  Attractive women in short shorts and tank tops, check.  Mostly male clientele, check.  Hooters, right?  Nope.  Star Shine, a new, upscale shoe shine stand on Wall Street in NYC.  But they insist they aren't modeled on Hooters.  Right.

A wife who discovered that her husband was dead by reading about it on Facebook wants to know why his jailers didn't let her know about it sooner.  He was being held in connection with a domestic dispute, but that doesn't explain why over an hour after his death it was on the social media site and she was still unaware of his suicide.