Saturday, June 22, 2013

What a differece three years makes

In 2010, Kamala Harris was involved in a close campaign with Steve Cooley to win the post of Attorney General of California.  Harris called out Cooley on the issue of abortion, saying “Women in California want someone with the power of the attorney general's office in our nation's largest state to protect their rights" in a September 2010 press release.

After getting the votes of abortion rights supporters, has she turned her back on them?  Last month, Hoag Hospital in Orange County ceased providing abortions.  The reason was they'd entered into a partnership with St. Joseph Health System.  The change was made so that Hoag would be in line with St Joseph's position on this sensitive issue.  Hospital administration had lied to doctors, saying there would be no changes in services they offered.

All well and good.  All part and parcel of the formation of a new business partnership.  People get "misled" about the final outcome.  But what stinks here is that it was Kamala Harris, who signed off on this partnership, knowing it would lead to the loss of an abortion provider in an underserved service area.

Now she may be backing off, saying the two healthcare organizations aren't doing all they committed to do in their application to make sure abortions were available for low-income women in those areas, and that they may have played with the numbers in their application. 

What's worse is that ten years from now, the office of the Attorney General loses any right it has to oversee the merger.  Will that bring about an end to other reproductive services currently being offered at Hoag?  Stay tuned.

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Paula Deen got fired.  A lot of people say that the Food Network overreacted.  I don't. 

The full deposition is 149 pages and most of it is boring stuff that has no connection to why the Food Network chose to terminate their relationship with Paula Deen.  She did admit to having used the N-word and to discussing a wedding that was going to have a "plantation theme" where the servers were to appear as 'slaves'.

Did she break the law?  Not that I can see.  Did she and her brother operate a restaurant where they created a "hostile work environment?"  Probably.

That's not the point.  The point is that business is business and perception is everything.  Taco Bell had to react swiftly and decisively when that moron allowed himself to be photographed licking a stack of taco shells.  The employer of the idiot who recorded his diatribe in the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru decided they didn't want their business to suffer because of the negative publicity he was generating.  The Food Network concluded that it would be a bad business decision to continue to employ Ms Deen.

This isn't a freedom of speech issue as many are complaining  Only government is bound by the First Amendment from not infringing speech.  Most large businesses have a company policy that all media inquiries are to be directed to the appropriate person.  Failure to do so can result in termination.  So aren't they infringing the freedom of speech of employees who want to talk to the media?

Anyone can choose to strike, to picket their employer and the like.  But they can't reveal company trade secrets free from fear of retribution.  They can certainly say negative things about the company in public, but don't think for one moment there can't be a consequence for the statement.  Ms Deen's rights have not been violated.  What's been violated is the potential profitability of the Food Network, in their eyes, should they continue to employ her. 

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President Obama has spoken out stridently that he will not tolerate sexual assaults in the military.  Here are some of the things he is quoted as having said:  “The bottom line is: I have no tolerance for this.” ‘I expect consequences."  "So I don’t just want more speeches or awareness programs or training, but ultimately folks look the other way. If we find out somebody’s engaging in this, they’ve got to be held accountable -- prosecuted, stripped of their positions, court martialed, fired, dishonorably discharged. Period."

Now those remarks may have had exactly the opposite effect on any military member charged with sexual assault.  In two court-martial cases being heard in Hawaii, the judge made pre-trial rulings that will prevent the suspects from being punitively discharged.  The judge ruled that the President's statements constitute "undue command influence" and therefore, no punitive discharge will be allowed.

This ruling has very broad implications.  More than likely, any other court-martial during the remainder of President Obama's second term will result in the same outcome.  The defendant won't be punitively discharged.

Unless of course, the President clarifies his remarks, and quickly.  Hope he does.

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This Date in History:

On this date in 1633, Galilleo was forced by the Holy Office to recant his belief that the Sun and not the Earth is the center of the universe.
On this date in 1870, the Congress creates the Department of Justice.
On this date in 1898, during the Spanish-American War, U.S. Marines land in Cuba.
On this date in 1941, Hitler's armies invade the Soviet Union.
On this date in 1942, Erwin Rommell is promoted to Field Marshall, after his victory at Tobruk.
On this date in 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the G.I. Bill.
On this date in 1984, Virgin Atlantic Airways beings operations with its first flight, from Heathrow.
On this date in 1990, the infamous Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin is dismantled.

Famous Folk Born on This Date:

Paul Morphy
Maximilian von Spree
John Dillinger
Carl Hubbell
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Billy Wilder
Mike Todd
Bill Blass
Dianne Feinstein (she's 80 years old today)
Kris Kristofferson
Ed Bradley
Brit Hume
Klaus Maria Brandauer
"Pistol" Pete Maravich
Todd Rundgren
Alan Osmond
Meryl Streep
Lindsay Wagner
Cyndi Lauper
Freddie Prinze
Erin Brockovich
Tracy Pollan
Stephen Chow
Randy Couture
Amy Brennerman
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Kurt Warner
Donald Faison

Movie quotes of the day come from Stephen Chow's brilliant martial-arts comedy "Kung Fu Hustle":

Sing: Fat woman, you're in charge here, right?
Landlady: [takes her shoe off, slaps Sing with it] Fat woman, my ass!
Sing: I'm with the Axe Gang!
Landlady: [slaps him] Axe Gang, my ass!
Sing: Boss!
Landlady: [slaps him] Boss, my ass!
Sing: You have to pay our medical bills!
Landlady: Bills, my ass!
Sing: We're on the same side!
Landlady: Same side, my ass!
Sing: A snake!
Landlady: Snake, my ass!


Landlord: [commenting on Sing's newfound abilities] If he studies hard, he could be a doctor or a lawyer.
Landlady: A stuntman, more likely.


Landlady: You may know kung fu... but you're still a fairy.