Thursday, April 11, 2013

Back to the grind today

Tuesday night my regular "team" won the trivia pub quiz we were attending.  It was fun.  It was relaxing.  But it was a mistake on my part to go.  I recognize that now.  I can't work this many hours to begin with.  I certainly can't do it and play trivia more than twice in one week.  In fact, trying to play more than once might be a bad idea when I'm being asked to work more hours than I can physically handle.  As "Stinger", the commanding officer of "Maverick" in the film "Top Gun" said, my ego is writing checks that my body can't cash.  That's why I barely moved at all on Wednesday.

Since I'm in survival mode until 4/15, I'm not going to the screening I was scheduled to attend tonight.  I have a client that would probably make me late anyway, but even if I didn't, I would have cancelled.  I need to come home after I finish the day and just relax.

Do you think that when rap music first became popular, a group called NWOA (just take what NWA stood for and change "with" to "without") would have done well?

The Dodgers just can't seem to beat the Padres with any consistency.  It's like the Padres just have the Dodgers' number and there's nothing the Blue Crew can do.  It has been like this for as long as I can remember and it is very frustrating.

When the Dodgers' game Tuesday night, the people in the sports bar were too busy or too disinterested to change the channel, so we were stuck watching Dr. Phil for a while.  Dr. Phil is not something I would watch in any event, but at a sports bar it was just too much to bear.  Thank goodness the audio was muted.

Mitt Romney came up on the list of people Twitter suggested I follow.  They should let him fade into obscurity.  He had every opportunity to win and he couldn't get his feet out of his mouth long enough to get out of his own way.  That comment about his message not resonating with 47% (or was it 48%) of the people was the height of idiocy.  The intent was fine.  The execution of the intent sucked out loud.  If he'd only said "my message of wanting to cut income taxes will not help me earn the votes of those who already pay zero in income taxes".   But that was asking too much.

Someone suggested that it might be Hilary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton as the next Democratic Presidential ticket.  Funny thing is she will turn 35 (Chelsea that is) in 2015.  So she would be eligible to run.  But would she be qualified?  Even if she runs for Congress in 2014, the answer would be a resounding no.  That suggestion was not a good one.

Did you know that President Obama's mother-in-law lives in the White House?  I read that today and it surprised me.  Is this ground-breaking?  Do you care that yet another President is sending his kids to an expensive private school, although this one hasn't spent all that much time talking about public education at the primary and secondary levels.

I have four payments left on my car loan.  It was a 72 month car loan and at the time I thought I was an idiot for extending the term out that far.  But it kept the payments lower, even though I spent a lot more in interest.  Now lenders are making 97 month car loans.  Frightening.

One of the White House's assistant chef's is being furloughed due to the sequestration.  He's also an occasional golf partner of the President.  Will the boss start picking up his greens fees due to the cut in pay?  Why is it that this story seemed to get more ink than the fact the Air Force has announced that budget cuts forced by the sequestration will result in 1/3rd of the active duty force of aircraft being grounded?

Long ago, there was a TV host named Art Linkletter.  He had a number of shows, but the one that comes to mind now was "Kids Say the Darndest Things".  Someone should make up a new show, or website about how people post the dumbest things on the web.  I was reading a sad thread about the passing of someone and one of the people who commented on it posted "was it sudden"?  Unexpected might have been an okay question, but sudden?  I know I'm being nitpicky and perhaps persnickety but it's just a dumb thing to write.  The question, not this paragraph.

I was already underwhelmed by the trailers for the reboot of the Superman franchise, but now comes word that apparently they've written Kryptonite out of the story.

Do you sell stuff on EBay or do something else involving the receipt of payment through a third-party source like PayPal?  If you do and you have more than 200 transactions in a year, or the volume of transactions rises above $20,000, you may have a new income tax headache known as the form 1099-K.  It isn't that new, having first appeared in 2011, but it's gained traction since then.  You've been warned.

If you're in Dubai and the cop behind you turns on the flashing lights, don't bother trying to outrun him.  He might be behind the wheel of a Ferrari police car with a 700 hp engine.  He will catch you with ease.

Did two of the top high-school basketball players in the U.S. actually say they thought they could beat Michael Jordan in a game of one-on-one when MJ was in his prime?  If so, they need to be forced to watch many hours of videotape for a serious reality check.

This Date in History for April 10th (I'll catch up on the 11th tonight)

On this date in 837, Halley's Comet made what is believed to be its closest ever approach to Earth.
On this date in 1816, the U.S. Government approves creation of The Second Bank of the United States.
On this date in 1866, the ASPCA was founded in New York City.
On this date in 1874, the first Arbor Day was celebrated in Nebraska.
On this date in 1912, the Titanic leaves port for its first and last voyage.
On this date in 1916, the Professional Golf Association (PGA) is created.
On this date in 1919, Emiliano Zapata is ambushed and killed by Mexican government forces.
On this date in 1925, "The Great Gatsby" is first published.
On this date in 1953, Warner Brothers premiere the first 3-D motion picture, "House of Wax".
On this date in 1957, the Suez Canal reopens after being closed for three months.
On this date in 1959, future Emperor of Japan Akihito marries Michiko.
On this date in 1963, the submarine USS Thresher sinks, killing all 129 sailors aboard.
On this date in 1970, Paul McCartney announces he is leaving The Beatles.
On this date in 1971, the U.S. ping-pong team visits the People's Republic of China.

Famous Folk Born on April 10th (again, I'll catch up on the 11th tonight)

Jim Bowie
William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army)
Joseph Pulitzer
Frances Perkins
Clare Booth Luce
Harry Morgan
Chuck Connors
Sheb Wooley
Linda Goodman
Junior Samples
Max Von Sydow
Delores Huerta
Omar Sharif
John Madden
Bobbie Smith (The Spinners)
"Dandy" Don Meredith
Ken Griffey Sr.
Steven Seagal
Orlando Jones
Andre Ethier
Mandy Moore