Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The headlines that caught my eye today

In the headlines, Senator Mitch McConnell called “Nixonian” the release of a recording of a strategy session held by his campaign, where they mentioned Ashley Judd’s history of mental health issues. The recording was released by Mother Jones Magazine, and they will not identify the source. The magazine claims the recording was not obtained via “bugging”.

93.5 KDAY-FM, a hip-hop station in Southern California is being sold and once the deal the station will reportedly change formats and begin broadcasting Mandarin-language programming. The old 1580-AM KDAY was one of the first stations to broadcast hip-hop music.

President Obama is advocating small cuts in entitlement programs now, to avoid larger, more drastic cuts later on.

Those of you who were worried that you would no longer get your snail-mail on Saturdays can rest easy. The U.S. Postal Service has admitted defeat in its legal battle with Congress over whether or not it could stop Saturday service.

From the “they figured these car owners could afford it”, vandals limited their weekend tire-slashing in an upscale Glendale neighborhood to expensive cars only.

New York City will pay $230,000 to settle a lawsuit regarding their seizure and destruction of thousands of books when the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park was cleared out.

Apparently if you dream of joining Augusta National, home of golf’s Masters Championship, don’t tell anyone. Reports claim that Bill Gates talked openly about wanting to join and his membership invite was withheld for several years as a result.

From the “does anyone really care what she thinks?” file: Sarah Palin has called Tesla Moters, makers of electric automobiles a “loser” on her Facebook page.

An Arizona man faces two counts of first-degree murder after killing his wife and 27-year old son. He was afraid he’d given his wife HIV because of his past involvement with prostitutes, and that his son couldn’t survive on his own after he and the wife were gone.

The “Bunny House” is for sale. The 6,000 square foot house next to the Playboy Mansion has been home to a number of “Playmates” and was featured on the reality show “The Girls Next Door”. It can be all yours for only $11 million.

In the wake of the Navy’s announcement that the Blue Angels will be grounded, now the Air Force will ground 1/3rd of its aircraft for the remainder of FY13 due to the sequestration. This will cause a major reduction in the nation’s combat readiness.

The man behind the hoax regarding Pastor Joel Osteen leaving the church has stepped forward and said he did it in an effort to get the pastor to be “real”.

Trial is underway in the case of the woman who is suing for revealing her true age on its website. Huang Hoang wilted during a withering cross-examination and finally admitted she was aware of her obligation to provide accurate information when she lied about her birthdate.

Dick Gregory thinks that “racist white people” are behind attacks that question the legality of the trip Jay-Z and Beyonce made to Cuba. He also believes that Dennis Rodman was in North Korea on a secret mission for President Obama.

Ryan Seacrest appears to be the latest victim of “swatting”.

There are reports that a dentist in the Midwest who was supposed to extract three teeth from a young adult suffering from autism instead pulled all of his teeth.  The family says they will sue.  There are other reports coming in of this dentist pulling more teeth than necessary from other patients.  The dentist and his clinic are refusing comment.