Friday, April 05, 2013

It feels so wonderful to not be working today

I'm feeling pangs of guilt this morning.  Not because I have the day off.  I've earned it, and knowing I'm working Saturday and Sunday, and that when next Thursday rolls around I will be working five straight days for the first time since I got sick; I NEED today and Monday and Wednesday to be days off.  I will go nowhere near the office on these days.  I will do my best not to take work phone calls on these days.  But that's not why I'm feeling guilty.

I'm feeling bad because weeks ago I took Roger Ebert to task for blowing details on a film.  He did.  But I still feel bad about having taken the time and trouble to write a diatribe calling him out on it.  I didn't know he was once again ill, and I had no idea he would pass away yesterday.  Now had I known those things, I'd have given him a pass and not said anything.  I'm not taking down what I wrote.  In the final analysis, he is one of the finest film critics in the history of film criticism.  RIP, Roger.

I am fascinated that there are people in this world who worry about having "wasted" the time of others.  I worry about it, but I never thought there were others who felt as I do.  For the second time in ten days, I dealt with a client who was worried that if they didn't complete the tax return, they would have wasted my time.  I work for a company that has a policy that if the client isn't satisified, they are free to walk away with their information (without the tax forms we've filled out though) and we are happy to have had the opportunity.  I believe in that policy.  I practice that policy.  But it was a nice thing to hear that these clients were worried about having wasted my time.  In the end, one decided to go ahead and pay for the return. 

Someone once asked me why I never got Lasik and had my eyes fixed.  My position is that as long as doctors in general, and opthamologists in specific wear glasses, so will I.

Expect to hear more about the concept of "chained-CPI increases" when President Obama adds the idea to his budget proposal.  It's a way to try to work toward deficit reduction by reducing the cost of living adjustments that people receiving entitlements like Social Insecurity and military pensions get each year.  It is an unpopular concept with those receiving these benefits for obvious reasons.

Donald Trump's signature phrase from his idiotic reality show is "you're fired".  In the world of civilians, fired means no longer employed.  It has a different meaning in the military.  It means you were relieved of your position for cause.  You aren't automatically kicked out of the military when "fired".  So when CNN and other news organizations are reporting that a Major-general who was commander of a U.S. task force in Africa was 'fired' they're referring to the fact he was relieved of his duties for cause and reassigned.  Apparently he also received non-judicial punishment, as one story is reporting he was fined a portion of his pay.  You can't do that without non-judicial punishment.  Undoubtedly he will be retiring soon.  The allegations against him involve harassment and alcohol.  More will come out about this story.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1614, Pocahontas marries John Rolfe.
On this date in 1621, the Mayflower sets sail to return to England.
On this date in 1791, President George Washington uses his veto power, the first presidential veto in history.
On this date in 1922, the American Birth Control League, the forerunner of Planned Parenthood is incorporated.
On this date in 1923, Firestone begins production of balloon tires.
On this date in 1932, prohibition ends in Finland.
On this date in 1951, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are sentenced to death for espionage.
On this date in 1956, Fidel Castro declares that he is at war with the President of Cuba.

Famous Folk Born Today:

Emperor Go-Fushimi
Joseph Lister
Booker T. Washington
W. Atlee Burpee
Spencer Tracy
Melvyn Douglas
Bette Davis
Albert R. "Cubby" Broccoli (thank you sir, for bringing James Bond to the big screen)
Gregory Peck
Arthur Hailey
Gale Storm
Roger Corman
Tony Williams
Frank Gorshin ("riddle me this, Batman...")
General Colin Powell
Michael Moriarity
Max Gail
Judith Resnik
Diamond Dallas Page
Lana Clarkson (she's dead, Phil)
Lisa Zane

And on this date in 2008, they finally had to pry the gun from Charlton Heston's cold dead hands, as he died on this date, five years ago.