Friday, April 12, 2013

A few thoughts on some of today's news

Long Beach Poly High football star Brian Banks lost out on the opportunity to play college football and perhaps get to the NFL because a young woman accused him of having raped her.  He did five years in prison, another five on parole and may finally see his NFL dreams come true this coming season.  Now, the Long Beach Unified School District is suing the woman who made the false accusation, in an effort to recoup the $750,000 it paid to her in a settlement.  Interestingly, Banks hasn't sued her.  Yet.  The district is also trying to recoup almost $2 million more it spent in attorney's fees and punitive damages.  From what I have read about the woman who accused Banks, they can sue and win but unless she buys a winning Powerball ticket, they won't see much money.

The Republican National Committee has chosen to pass a resolution strongly urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage in California.  All this proves is offer additional proof that the leadership of the Republican Party is 100% moron (the resolution was passed unanimously).  The USSC doesn't give a damn what a political party's position is on an issue.  They decide cases on the merits, precedents, and their own polarized beliefs.  So all they have accomplished is to further alienate a group of people who they must reach out to in order to have any hope of recapturing the White House in 2016.

There are 77 digital billboards in Los Angeles that will be closely watched Monday at 5:00 p.m.  That is because a judge has ordered the companies that own them to turn them off by then.  I don't care much one way or the other, but if there are people whose homes are being disrupted by the glare from these signs, then they should be turned off, or altered.  The sweetheart deal that the L.A. City Council gave those companies also needs closer scrutiny.

Jonathan Winters has died at the age of 87.  He was a pioneer in improv comedy and had the unique ability to make an audience laugh by doing almost nothing.

Jane Seymour has kicked her husband James Keach out of their Malibu home, supposedly due to allegations of marital infidelity.  Or at least that's what the tabloids are reporting.  Seymour, who is a very nice lady is also reportedly seeking to get a quick settlement worked out with Keach.  He is her fourth husband.  Maybe fifth time is a charm.

Senator John McCain has said that if North Korea does launch a missile, we should just "take it out".  He may have been a Naval aviator, but that doesn't make him an expert on military tactics and capabilities.  Shooting down a missile isn't an easy task.  One need only look back at the Scud missile that hit the barracks in Dharhan in February of 1991, killing 28 U.S. soldiers.  That barracks and the surrounding area was being "protected" by a Patriot missile battery that should have tracked and destroyed the Scud.  The Patriot battery failed.  If North Korea is firing off missiles with nuclear warheads, only a perfect anti-missile system can be trusted and such a thing doesn't exist.

A Seattle man has died after his shirt was caught in an escalator he was on.  The news seems focused on the fact that the 42 year old victim had a half-empty bottle of brandy in his pocket.  Why is this important until alcohol has been proven to be or not be a contributing factor in the cause of death?  If it turns out his blood-alcohol content at the time of the tragic accident was 0, how will this factoid be publicized and his reputation un-tarnished?

A man who jogs backwards in South Florida got a ticket for traffic obstruction when he ran in the middle of the street, zig-zagging in and out of the traffic lanes.