Monday, February 11, 2013

Can't Trust That Day

For this week (I'll see if I decide to continue after the week is over), I'm going to use lyrics from songs with days of the week in their title.  Not necessarily the lyric that has the day in it either.  I'm sure you all recognize that one.  Maybe I'll try to make them more obscure as time goes on.

It's Monday and I plan to do very little today, other than go to a screening of a film with a friend.  I probably would not have gone to see this movie if a screening hadn't come up, so I'm not really saving any money here.  But it is always good to go to a screening, review and film and perhaps network a little.  I will refrain from further comment on the effectiveness of networking at these things though.

I'm curious to see the menu for the week later this morning, to discover if I will need to pick up dinner on my way back from the screening.  I have this "thing" where unless I absolutely have to, I try to avoid going out more than once in a day.  I'll even bring home dinner and nuke it back to warmth later in the day rather than go out a second time.  It might just be laziness.  It might be that I hate wasting gas. 

Speaking of gas, what's going on with gas prices skyrocketing again?  Is Dianne Feinstein going to order another investigation?  Does anyone know what happened to her last investigation of gas prices?  I suspect she's probably too busy with the proposed assault weapons ban to worry much about what we're paying for gas.  Considering I am of the mind an assault weapons ban will be of more use to us than another gas price investigation, that's not necessarily a bad thing.  It sucks that the cheapest gas around here without driving to Long Beach is $3.99 a gallon.

Other things I'm pondering this morning:

When will cities admit that parking tickets are not as much about enforcing laws as they are about raising revenue?  Their attempts to keep their agenda secret are why they won't privatize the work of ticket writers.  There was an effort to contract out the jobs of Hermosa Beach parking enforcement officers (they're referred to as community service officers) last year but the City Council voted it down.  IIRC, the average community service officer in Hermosa Beach earned nearly $80,000 a year in salary and benefits.  Good work if you can get it.

I keep hearing that the City of Los Angeles is broke.  So where did they find $1 million to offer as a reward for the capture of Christopher Dorner?  Also, where does the media get the bullshit they are spreading?  I heard a story last night that Dorner had received "sniper training".  The only snipers in the Navy are enlisted SEALs.  Dorner was a non-SEAL officer.  He got "marksmanship" training, meaning he learned the basics of shooting and hitting a target.  The sniper schools offered by the Army and by the Marine Corps are extremely difficult and if Dorner had attended one, it would be documented.

Does Taylor Swift start writing break-up songs the day after a first date, in order to save time?

Is anyone inspired by, or made confident by the fact Steven Seagal is training a "posse"?

A woman is asking if she can take out a life insurance policy on her ex-husband.  Aside from the fact it's illegal to do that, wouldn't it make her the prime suspect if anything untoward happened to him?  Her lawyer screwed up by not insisting on that policy in the divorce settlement.

Helen Mirren is gorgeous.  Without any qualifiers like "for her age" or anything.  She's simply a knockout.  So why in the world did she color her hair pink?  It didn't work for Frenchie in "Grease" and it didn't work for Mirren either.

Has anyone ever figured out what sport is involved in modeling swimwear for Sports Illustrated?

There's a photo going around the internet of a car filled with snow because its owner left the windows down during the recent blizzard.  How in the world did they....never mind.

This Date in History:

On this date in 660 BC, it is believed that Japan was founded by Emperor Jimmu.
On this date in 55, Tiberius Claudius Caesar Brittanicus dies in mysterious circumstances, clearing the way for Nero to become Emperor.
On this date in 1531, King Henry VIII is recognized as supreme head of the Church of England.  Heads would roll.
On this date in 1752, the first hospital in the U.S. was opened by Benjamin Franklin.  They began turning away patients without insurance immediately.
On this date in 1790, the Quakers petitioned for the end of slavery in the U.S.
On this date in 1812, the first instance of "gerrymandering" takes place in Massachussets.
On this date in 1942, Glenn Miller received the first ever "gold record" for his song "Chattanooga Choo-Choo".
On this date in 1953, President Eisenhower denied clemency for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
On this date in 1973, the first release of U.S. POWs by North Vietnam takes place.
On this date in 1990, Nelson Mandela is released from prison after 27 years as a political prisoner.

Famous folk born on this date:

Thomas Alva Edison
Max Baer
Sidney Sheldon (the man who brought Barbara Eden's bare midriff to television)
Eva Gabor (New York is where she'd rather have stayed)
Lloyd Bentsen (the politician who pointed out that Dan Quayle was definitely no Jack Kennedy)
Leslie Nielsen ("Surely you can't be serious."  "I am serious.  And stop calling me Shirley.")
Tina Louise (the weather started getting rough when she was born)
Burt Reynolds
Bobby "Boris" Pickett
Jeb Bush
Carey Lowell (she made a great Bond girl)
Sheryl Crow
Sarah Palin (debate continues if it was a stillbirth from above the neck)
Hank Gathers (taken from us much too soon)
Jennifer Aniston