Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Whoever said that today is a day of rest doesn't have anything to do with my schedule.  But the good news is that I'm just going to consider Monday as my Sunday this week, because the only thing on the schedule for Monday is going to a screening.  Even better is the fact the Monday screening is in the middle of the day rather than at night.

This reminded me of a phrase I heard much more often in Las Vegas than anywhere else I've lived in this life.  "That's my Friday" is heard all the time there, mostly among the people who work in hotel/casino businesses.  Considering they are usually busiest on Fridays and Saturdays, and have people working the eateries, casino games and support services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the number of their employees who work Monday through Friday is small.

We seem to live for our weekly Friday.  Slaving away five days to get to the end of the fifth day, so we can live the best part of our lives during those two days before your nose goes back to your grindstone.  Assuming of course that your job is work in name only and you spend your hours surfing the web for pleasure or texting with friends all day long.  There is no grindstone in that life.

Things being pondered on a Sunday morning:

Why would a man with no family leave his million dollar estate to two actors he'd never met?  Clearly he was a fan of their work.  A soap opera and a show I barely remember that I think was about werewolves.  Wow.

Why is it that the technical advisors on TV shows and movies miss really simple shit?  I was watching a "Law & Order" re-run this morning and saw a newspaper that was probably held by a murderer at a crime scene handed to a detective that wasn't wearing gloves.  Fingerprints, dude.  Real detectives glove up at crime scenes before touching anything.

I knew Warren Oates, best known as "Sergeant Hulka" in the hysterical film "Stripes" had done a lot of work in TV westerns.  But I had no idea he'd done a guest shot on a first season episode of "Lost In Space".  Then again, it makes sense.  His role was pretty much a cowboy in space.

Why am I suddenly tempted to go out late at night and see how fast one really could get from place to place on the L.A. area freeway system when there's no delays caused by heavy traffic?

After reading this morning's L.A. Times, I'm also wondering (along with a lot of people) why the L.A. County Sheriff's office funneled the sale of a bunch of armored vests to police in Cambodia through the city of Gardena.

The very funny Jenny McCarthy is the cousin of the very funny Melissa McCarthy?  I can see that.  Shame Rex Reed can't see past Melissa's physicality. 

Picture 10,000 pounds of bacon in one place that's not a major food storage facility and you'll be seeing the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival in Des Moines Iowa.  Okay, they love bacon and they also love butter, considering that each year, the State Fair in Iowa features a life-sized butter carving of a cow.  So why don't Iowans have a much higher cholesterol level than residents of other states?

So who out there that keeps abreast of Kate Upton's career is surprised she will be on the cover of the next Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue? 

A 95 year old woman is now claiming to have been Hitler's food taster.  Would that have been the most dangerous job in the Third Reich?  It was certainly way up the list.

Kim Kardashian is in Rio and posed just like the pose of Jesus in a famous scuplture, just below where the scuplture sits.  I'm not pondering the bad jokes about how that's the closest she'll ever get to a virgin birth.  I'm pondering who told her that very pregnant women should wear tight pink dresses (or fuschia or whatever wrong color that was).

This Date in History:

On this date in 1258, the Mongols capture Baghdad.
On this date in 1306, Robert the Bruce murders John Comyn.
On this date in 1870, the YWCA is formed in New York City.
On this date in 1933, Primo Carnera knocks out Ernie Schaaf in the 13th round of their fight, killing him.
On this date in 1967, the 25th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified.
On this date in 1981, a fire at the Las Vegas Hilton kills eight and injures nearly 200.
On this date in 1989, Ron Brown is elected Chair of the Democratic Party.  First African-American to head a major political party.
On this date in 1996, IBM's Deep Blue beats former world champion chess player Garry Kasparov for the first time.

Famous Folk born on this date:

Boris Pasternak
Jimmy Durante (his nose finished being born the following day)
Alan Hale Sr.
Bertolt Brecht
Lon Chaney Jr.
Jerry Goldsmith
Robert Wagner
Michael Apted
Mark Spitz
Jim Cramer (he was born holding a copy of the Wall Street Journal)
Alexander Payne
Lenny Dykstra (no birthday cakes in prison, Lenny)
Glenn Beck (the jury is still out on whether or not this was a live birth)
Laura Dern
Elizabeth Banks