Friday, November 23, 2012

I am still somewhat in shock and disbelief...

over the untimely passing of the amazingly talented Austin Peralta.  22 years old, gone much too soon.  Not having children of my own, I can't imagine the grief his family must be going through and my heart goes out to them.  No parent should ever be forced to bury a child.

Another Thanksgiving is in the books and this year I missed my family a little. I spent almost the entire day alone, although I did have company at all three meals of the day. Managed to talk to my mother on the telephone, although I left messages for the rest of my family that went unreturned. I don't mind not having the family meals, after all, I stopped going to them years ago. Maybe I'm not the best at calling with any frequency or regularity, but I do remember birthdays and when someone calls me, I return the call the same day. But I'll be charitable and assume that they didn't get the messages, and forget about it after I finish this sentence.

Props to the chef here, both for yesterday's Thanksgiving feast and for three excellent meals today.

Spent most of the day just watching television and playing Words With Friends, which is a kind of wasted day but what the heck. Can't try to write every single day. I did watch a very underrated movie on a Netflix DVD. "The Great Raid" is based on the true story of the greatest rescue mission ever carried out by the U.S. military. 500 POWs in the Philippines during World War II were in imminent danger of being murdered by their Japanese captors and a group of 120 Army Rangers and 80 Philippino guerillas rescued them. They suffered only light casualties and managed to kill between 600 and 1,000 Japanese in doing so. Not only is it a well-written film, but Benjamin Bratt looks very much like the real life person he was portraying. Eerily so.

Again, no Fun With Classified and today no This Date in history.

Seeing a movie I've been very much looking forward to later today. "Life of Pi". I never read the novel and now that I'm going to see the film, I'll probably want to check it out. It's almost always the case that the book turns out to be better than the film, so seeing the film first almost always makes sense. I can count the exceptions to that rule without running out of fingers and some of those involve novelizations that managed to add something to the original screenplay.