Monday, November 19, 2012

Time for another look at....

the California Franchise Board's list of top tax delinquents.

Among the names you may recognize on this list:

Halsey Minor, at #1 with over $10 million in delinquent taxes.  He's the founder of CNET.
Dionne Warwick, the famous singer and former owner of some psychic hotline.
Steven Bren, son of billionaire Irvine Company founder Donald Bren.
Steven Perry (naw, it's not the famous singer Steve Perry)...
Ronald Isley (this one is the singer).
Steven Seagal, actor and reality show star.
Brian McKnight, singer and excellent three-point basketball shooter.
James Ingram (naw, it's not the famous singer).

Then there's a list of corporations whose income taxes are delinquent.  Five of the first seven names on that list are medical corporations.  Then there's a name you may not recognize at first, Mantra Films.  But it turns out that this is the company that makes and distributes the famous "Girls Gone Wild" DVDs and is owned by Joe Francis.

But what really gripes me about this list?  There is one name on it whose delinquent tax bill dates back to 1993.  Another one that goes back to 1994.  And seven names whose tax bills date back to 1995.

That's more than 17 years ago.  Aside from publishing the names on a list, what the heck is the hold-up?  Maybe they can't collect.  Maybe they won't work out an offer in compromise.  And while the total owed on the remaining names of individuals from the original 250 names listed is less than $150 million, it is still money the state needs.

One has to wonder, if Prop 30's passage will result in more names going onto this list.