Thursday, August 30, 2012

Folks, when it comes to the war on drugs...

in the case of marijuana, we lost and we lost badly.  It wasn't even close.

So it's time to surrender.  Time to stop trying to stop the illegal use of pot and just make it legal.  Stop the cartels, stop the violence and as a result, accomplish two things.

1.  Take the profit motive that's based on it being illegal away.  When you have an illegal substance, people will pay more to get it.  When you legalize it, it's easier to obtain and therefore the forces of supply and demand will drive the price down.

2.  Allow taxation.  We tax the hell out of tobacco, why not do the same to pot?

Farmers could grow pot here, no need to import or smuggle it into the country.  Industry will spring up around the legalized sale.  Tax revenues will rise.  Crime will fall.

Let's win this war.  Let's just surrender.