Friday, August 24, 2012

While today is Friday on the calendar, it became Saturday...

on my walking schedule.  I was just too tired to go walking this morning, and since I was that tired and managed to oversleep, I moved tomorrow's day of rest to today.  I'm sure the baker was there working at his bakery even though I didn't walk past.  I'm sure there were three or four people working out in the gym that I normally walk past.  I'm sure I'd have spotted something I'd have not seen in prior walks and hopefully I will see that item tomorrow morning.

So the polls show that were there not a 22nd Amendment in place, Bill Clinton would be the leading candidate to win the election this November.  Of course, he isn't facing the negative campaigns being run by the two major parties, so there isn't anything out there that would be harming his positive approval rating.  The minute someone started running the "I did not have sex with that woman" ads, his numbers would probably drop.

Mitt Romney told Parade magazine that one reason he doesn't want to release any more of his tax returns is that this would include disclosure of just how much money he and his wife give to the Mormon church.  Uh newsflash, Mitt.  We know you tithe.  We know that you may even donate more than the requisite 10%.  That's not a secret.  Not releasing your tax returns for that reason is not only nonsensical, saying that's the reason shows a contempt for the collective intellect of the American people.

There really is an estimate that Republicans will outspend Democrats by a 3 to 1 margin at strip clubs during their party's conventions.  No wonder the strippers are flowing into Tampa to get their g-strings around as many double-sawbucks as they can while the Republicans are in town.  A CNN story about strippers and politicians used the words "g-string" and "heels" three separate times.  Good to know where the author's focus was.  Maybe some personal research into this phenomenon is in order, I haven't been to one of those clubs in ages.  Long ago, a friend used to take me to lunch at Fantasy Island in West L.A., and the biggest surprise was that the food was surprisingly good for a strip club.  Do I need to stop in and check it out again...naw.  The only things that will have changed are the girls, they'll still be mostly young, mostly on a bad path due to drugs and men taking advantage of them, and the audience will just be the same guys, only older and sadder.  My old friend prefers Hooters now, I think that's because he can get away with that and not get into trouble with his "better half".  She wouldn't like it if it was wasting money on lapdances.

"I will fight no more forever" is no longer the motto of only Chief Joseph.  It's also the mantra of Lance Armstrong, who has given up his fight to hang on to his cycling achievements including 7 Tour de France titles.  I've always wondered if he was guilty, and now that he's giving up his fight, I can't help but wonder if he gave up because he knows in his heart he's guilty.  I can understand the notion that he was just tired of fighting...but when you spend so much of your life working to achieve goals like that, I can't imagine ever giving up the fight.  If you lose, at least you fought all the way.

Moviefone tried to piss em off last night.  I want to see one particular movie this weekend and I knew it was opening today.  But Moviefone showed it wasn't playing anywhere in L.A.  Good thing I can count.  The Landmark has 12 theaters and there were only 11 shows listed as playing today at the Landmark.  Of course it helped that yesterday I was a movie there and they announced that "Robot and Frank" would open there today and that there would be a Q&A with the director at the 7:30 showing.  But it was still disheartening to see it not listed on the Moviefone site as showing.  I'm not going to the evening showing, although I'd love to hear the Q&A.  Part of my hatred of paying full price for any film.

Next Tuesday night should be interesting.  No trivia for me that night.  I'm going to a screening of an IMAX/3-D film from China, a sequel to a 1992 wuxia film starring Jet Li.  I'm hoping a friend I invited to attend the screening with me will choose to attend, but I'm going with or without him.  Since he's a major fan of that genre and that actor, I figured he'd enjoy the opportunity.  Plus, it will save me paying admission plus IMAX plus 3-D at a theater, which is worse than full price.

I haven't shaved in two days and I feel it.  I do skip the occasional day, but it's been awhile since I skipped two days.  When I was in the hospital, I was dependent on the CNAs to shave me the one or two times every three weeks they would do it.  When I finally got out, it took awhile to get back into the routine of doing it daily, but eventually I did.  However, even when I was working full-time and part-time, on days I didn't work, I would often let my face 'rest'.

Rodney King's death remains an accidental drowning, but with cocaine, PCP, pot, and a .06 blood-alcohol level, it was an accident clearly of his own making.  Here, let me get drunk, high and then walk around my uncovered pool.  Ooops!