Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Winning the war to stop family separation

I've lost count of how many posts and images I've seen on social media over the past two days that liken Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler.  Likening the caging of children at the border to the concentration camps like Auschwitz and Theresienstadt.  It was an image of Nazis marching in lockstep, carrying signs with swastikas and the letters NSDAP across the top.  I got a talented artist to change the letters from NSDAP to Trump.  They added the name Trump to the swastikas as well.  I was going to caption it as "How Trump actually sees his military parade in Washington, D.C.  I shared the photo with my FB friends asking for their input as to whether it was too inflammatory.

I got one response and then deleted the post.  There may or may not be a lot of validity to Godwin's Law.  That isn't why I won't share that photo any further.  I'm not sharing it because we are not going to win the war against the policy of separating families at the border by invoking memories of Adolph Hitler.  The people that such imagery will outrage are already outraged.  Further inflaming those feelings won't energize people any more than they already are.  Judging from things his supporters are posting, such imagery doesn't bother them at all.  In fact, it is encouraging them.  So is people like Robert De Niro and others saying "F**k Trump."  As much as it might feel good among the "resistance" it also fuels the fire of those who support him.

We need to get away from the concentration camp photos of the 1930s and 40s and continue to use the current images of children in cages.  We need to focus on the facts that the Trump administration and supporters cannot challenge.

Last November, Ms L and her 7 year old daughter S.S. applied for asylum.  In violation of an ICE policy directive, the San Diego ICE Field Office separated them.  It took until March to reunite them.

If the Trump administration is so concerned that people may be lying about minors being their children to get into the US, set up state of the art labs to run DNA tests.  Those results take less than 72 hours.  People who apply for asylum with or without children should not be detained, if they presented themselves at a border checkpoint.  People who enter illegally who are seeking asylum and pass the credible fear screening, with or without children, should not be detained.  If the concern is that they will fail to appear for their hearings, use ankle bracelets to track their whereabouts.

Separating parents from their kids is not humane.  It is horrific.  So are the images from the era of Adolph Hitler.  I'm going to focus on pushing my elected representatives to take action.  Take action to solve the immediate problem.  Action to solve the issue of immigration for the long-term.