Tuesday, June 19, 2018

US Space Command Promotion test

The Pentagon has contingency plans for every scenario.  An old friend gave me a copy of the promotion test that the US Space Command will use to consider personnel in the paygrade/rank E-7/Space Sergeant to the paygrade/rank of E-8/Super Space Sergeant.  Here are the questions and answers.

1.  Which of the following is not part of the Earth's atmosphere?

a.  Ionosphere
b.  Troposphere
c.  Stratosphere
d.  Blogosphere

2.  Escape velocity is the speed a spaceship has to exceed in order to escape from the gravity of a planet.  What is Earth's escape velocity?

a.  25,020 miles per hour
b.  6,935 miles per hour
c.  Light Speed
d.  Warp 9.95

3.  The large, dark basaltic plains of the Earth's moon are known as Mares or Seas.  Which of the following is not one of the real Maria (yes, that is the plural of Mare) on the Earth's moon?

a.  Sea of Tranquility
b.  Sea of Vapors
c.  Sea of Waves
d.  Sea of Trump

4.  Who was the first person to land on Earth's moon?

a.  Buzz Aldrin
b.  Neil Armstrong
c.  Alice Kramden
d.  Donald Trump

5.  What was the name of the first dog to orbit the Earth?

a.  Laika
b.  Spot
c.  Fido
d.  Scooby-Doo?

6.  In the original Battlestar Galactica, the humans believed in deities known as?

a.  The Lords of Dogtown
b.  The Lords of Flatbush
c.  The Lords of Kobol
d.  The Lords of Discipline

7.  In Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Han Solo bragged about how fast a ship his Millenium Falcon was.  How fast did he claim his ship made the Kessel Run?

a.   7 hours
b.  43 centons
c.  Less than 12 parsecs
d.  Obi-Wan didn't believe him anyway

8.  On the original TV series Lost in Space, Doctor Zachary Smith wound up stowing away aboard the Jupiter II.  What kind of doctor was Dr. Smith?

a.  Psychiatrist
b.  Robotics
c.  Philosophy
d.  Evil

9.  Identify the proper name of this space toy from the 1960s?

a.  Barbie's Ken - Astronaut
b.  Major Matt Mason
c.  John Glenn
d.  Alex Orbit

10.  In the 1979 James Bond film Moonraker, what was the name of the woman who went into space with James Bond?

a.  Manuela Martinez
b.  Corinne DuFour
c.  Holly Goodhead
d.  Chew Mee