Wednesday, December 06, 2017

The hypocrisy of the political scene

There is a good chance that Al Franken will resign from the U.S. Senate tomorrow.  Personally, I think he should offer to resign as soon as Donald Trump resigns and Roy Moore drops out of the Alabama Senate race, but neither of those two Republicans would ever dream of admitting wrongdoing.

Conservatives think that someone who bakes cakes for a living should be able to refuse to make one for a same-sex wedding because that is supporting the "gay lifestyle."  If that is true, wouldn't supporting the election campaign of a pedophile be support for pedophilia?  Funny how Donald Trump believes the accusers of Bill Clinton, Al Franken, John Conyers and all other liberals, but everyone who has accused him of sexual impropriety is a liar and he believes Roy Moore's denials of the accusations against him involving women not yet legally adults.

But for the moment, let's set aside those allegations against the defrocked Alabama Supreme Court justice and examine why he is utterly unfit for elected office at any level.  

When he was first elected to the Alabama Supreme Court, he built a monument to the Ten Commandments.  He defied a court order to remove it.  His defiance led to the Alabama Court of Judiciary holding a hearing at which Moore said that given another opportunity to do so, he would have continued to defy the court order to remove the monument.  He was removed from the bench.

Eight years later he was returned to the bench and soon after he defied another federal court order, related to the legality of same-sex marriages.  On January 28, 2015, the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a judicial ethics complaint against Moore, stating that he had publicly commented on pending same-sex marriage cases and encouraged state officials and judges to ignore federal court rulings overturning bans on same-sex marriage.  Moore issued an order to probate judges and their employees on February 8, the day before a federal court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage in Alabama was set to take effect, ordering them to disregard the ruling and enforce the state's ban under threat of legal action by the governor.  On February 9, after the United States Supreme Court allowed the federal court ruling to take effect, probate judges in Birmingham, Montgomery, and Huntsville disobeyed Moore and issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

This is a man who ignores the rule of law because he sees religion as being of higher importance than the laws of our nation.  That alone makes him unfit.