Friday, December 01, 2017

Meet Cindy - more than Paul Ryan wants you to know

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan put out a tweet.

He included a photo that tells us Cindy has one child, is a restaurant assistant manager and will see a $700 increase under the Republican Tax Plan.

Under current tax law,  Cindy would pay $1,255 in taxes, but after applying her $1,000 Child Tax Credit and her Earned Income Credit (EIC) of $1,536; she would get a refund of $1,281 without having any income tax withheld from her wages.

Under the proposed tax plans currently winding their way through the House and Senate it would be a bit different.  The House plan would result in a tax liability of $2,160.  She would get a Child Tax Credit of $1,600, leaving a tax liability of $560.  Under the Senate plan, her tax liability would be $1,970 but there is a $2,000 Child Tax Credit.  How the EIC would work under these plans remains to be worked out.

I don't see an extra $700 here for Cindy.  I do see the Marketplace subsidy that reduces her healthcare premiums from $367 per month to only $141 per month going away.  That's an increase of out of pocket expense for Cindy over the course of the year of $2,652.  That's a lot more than any savings from either of these plans.

The Republican Tax Plan is a giveaway to the wealthy on the backs of the poor and the ever-shrinking Middle Class.