Saturday, November 11, 2017

Tired of being tired and other stuff

I thought that having the months of May and June off from work would allow me to fully recover from the rigors of the tax season.  But when the fatigue did not subside, I began to worry.  I worried more when I returned to work in July and it got worse.

Last month I saw my primary care doctor and asked him if my heart had gone back into atrial fibrillation.  He didn't think so but couldn't be sure.  Last week I saw the cardiologist and he confirmed that I have gone back into "a-fib."  It explains the fatigue.

I've wanted to do so many things that I have not been able to do over the past few months.  I miss going to trivia with my friends.  I have missed out on many movies.  For the most part, all I've done the last four months is work, eat, sit in the chair in my room watching TV and using my computer; and sleep.  I've slept a lot more trying to battle the exhaustion that washes over me with frightening regularity.

Yesterday I taught a morning class.  My plan was to see two movies afterward, then hit the grocery store and run a few other errands.  I managed to get through the grocery run and that was all I could handle.  I came home and wound up taking a nap.

This past Tuesday I managed to get myself out through the front door to see two movies.  It was a major event and made me very happy.  I'm hoping to get to the movies today.  Time will tell if I can make it happen.

What I find interesting is that as bad as this fatigue has been, it has not impacted my working.  I get myself to the office, to the classroom and wherever else my work takes me.  I did get someone to cover one of my classes because I was just too tired to spend nearly two hours in rush hour traffic to teach.

Guess I need to find a way to force myself to do the things I enjoy with the same fervor I force myself to get the job done.  Didn't get to that point today.  But there is always tomorrow.

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After hearing about Vin Scully's statement that he will never watch another NFL game, I was saddened.  Not because one of my idols has been tarnished in the eyes of so many.  I'm saddened because it appears that the spin that the #TakeAKnee movement is disrespecting the military and those who have served is working so well.

That is not what this is about. It is about the fact that people of color are being killed by law enforcement personnel at an ever growing, disproportionate rate.

It is about the fact that we live in a nation where there is a large segment of the population who buy into the thought process expressed in this meme.

It is Veterans Day.  I am a veteran.  I have no problem with people who choose to #TakeAKnee.  I support their right to do so.  I also support Vin's right to say what he said and do what he chooses.  But I do not agree with it.

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Three players on the UCLA men's basketball team were arrested for allegedly shoplifting sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store.  ESPN's Arash Markazi (who I follow on Twitter because he is an outstanding sports journalist) is reporting that there is surveillance footage of the trio shoplifting from three stores.

LiAngelo Ball, brother of the L.A. Lakers top draft pick Lonzo Ball is one of the three.  His father, LaVar Ball said he wouldn't speak out about his son's arrest but he just couldn't resist doing just that.  He said, "I’m going to wait until I get more intel on what’s going on.  He’ll be fine. Everyone’s making it a big deal. It ain’t that big a deal.” 

Sorry LaVar but shoplifting is a big deal.  Maybe the big money your sons are bringing in with NBA contracts, endorsement deals and a reality TV show have put you among those who can afford what some refer to as "rich man's justice" but that doesn't mean shoplifting isn't a big deal.

According to CNBC, in 2013 the worldwide cost of shoplifting was over $112 billion.  Money Magazine reports that in 2016, U.S. retailers lost $17.8 billion to shoplifting and another $14.8 billion to employee theft.  If we spread the cost of those two items among all Americans, we're each paying more than $100 out of own pockets to cover the cost to retailers.

Cheyenne Amber West is a 26 year old resident of Fort Pierce, FL.  She was arrested for allegedly paying $3.70 for over $1,800 worth of electronics.  She is accused of switching the price scan codes.  The source of the problem we face from those who steal is found in her statement regarding the alleged crime to a deputy.  "I am just trying to get gifts for my son that I cannot afford. The computer is for my husband. Since he just got me a Coach purse, I figured he deserved something nice, as well."

So since she couldn't afford it, she figured it was okay to just steal it.  I do not condone, but understand the motive for people who steal food in order to feed themselves and their families.  But this, I do not understand at all.  I just know it is a really big deal.

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NBC is going to ship Megyn Kelly to South Korea for the Winter Olympic Games.  Guess Matt and Savannah didn't want to make the trip.

Will someone please tell Alabama's State Auditor, Jim Ziegler that there is no evidence that Joseph had sex with Mary in scripture and that using that to defend defrocked Judge Roy Moore is a really stupid argument?  Oh wait, I did, on Twitter.  Naturally he didn't answer.

The guy who used a drone to catch his wife kissing another man is now claiming that it has saved his marriage.  So because he caught her before the flirtation developed, the relationship has been rescued?  Not sure I buy that.

The lawyer for Gloria Deason, one of the women accusing Roy Moore of sexual impropriety long ago, has released a statement in response to Moore's claims these women are liars engaged in bribery and conspiracy.

Let's see if he retracts.  Bet he won't.