Friday, October 27, 2017

Lazy morning random ponderings

Donald Trump had a few things to say:

"Well, I think the press makes me more uncivil than I am. You know – people don’t understand – I went to an Ivy League college. I was a nice student. I did very well. I’m a very intelligent person. You know, the fact is, I think, I really believe, I think the press creates a different image of Donald Trump than the real person.

What do the following folks have in common?

Stephen Hawking

Albert Einstein
Marilyn vos Savant
Marie Curie
Nikola Tesla

All were (are) extraordinarily intelligent.  And none of them ever had to say they are very intelligent.

Only someone who is insecure about their intelligent brags about it.  

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That being said, let's look at a Trump "hit piece" published by a website that calls itself Bluedot Daily.  Here's an excerpt:

"Well, not only did Trump NOT go to an Ivy League school, we have some evidence that his college professors may not have thought much of him either.
“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”
Those are the words of the late Wharton professor William T. Kelley, who had Trump in class.

Let's give author JLyttle a solid one of out two.  Yes, William T. Kelley did make that statement about Donald Trump.  As to the first statement about Trump not going to an Ivy League school, let's dig a bit deeper.

Donald Trump attended the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.  Here is a list of all of the Ivy League schools:

Brown University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Harvard University
University of Pennsylvania
Princeton University
Yale University

Looks like Trump went to an Ivy League school after all.

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Speaking of the Liar-in-Chief, today is the day he claims that he is releasing the classified government files on the assassination of JFK.  He doesn't come right out and say it was his decision to allow the release, but he has implied it.

In point of fact, the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Act of 1992 requires the release of all of the records that remain classified on October 26, 2017.  That's today.  The law does allow the sitting president certifies that: "(1) continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations; and (2) the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure."

The idea that any information in the 5,000 or so remaining pages would contain any information that would satisfy those two requirements is ridiculous.  Yet Trump decided to accede to the requests of the FBI and CIA and allow redactions.

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The video below contains profanity and some may find it disturbing.

The sons of the owner of a taco joint in Damascus, VA are the two men attacking the man who recorded this video.  Now they've been arrested.

There are some very...intriguing reviews of the place posted on Yelp in the wake of this video going viral.

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Kelli Loos is going back to prison.  She served four years of a ten year sentence killing two men by driving while extremely intoxicated.  She was paroled in 2013 and got her driver license back in 2015 with the requirement that an ignition interlock device be installed in her car.  After multiple attempts to drive the car where her breath indicated the presence of alcohol in her system, a judge has sentenced her to 16 years in prison.

She had tried the Altoids defense, claiming that her having taken the mints before blowing into the device was what had caused the reading of alcohol in her system.

I think the system worked in this case.  She was given a second chance and failed to use it.  Some may think her sentence was harsh.  Was only four years enough for having taken two lives?

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Congratulations to Cash Warren and his wife Jessica Alba, as she announced she is pregnant with their first son (they have two daughters).

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Robert Guillaume has passed away at the age of 89.  We all remember him from his role as "Benson DuBois" on both Soap and Benson.  We remember him for a stirring portrayal of Frederick Douglass in the mini-series North and South.  We remember him for his having voiced the role of "Rafiki" in The Lion King animated feature film.

What we do not remember him for (at least most people were unaware of this) is that he was an incredible singer/musical theater performer.

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For only $129.95 you can own one of only 2017 two-tone (blue and white) commemorative baseball bats celebrating the Dodgers first NL pennant in 29 years.

I'll pass.

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Factoid:  Less than 10% of people contribute the maximum amount of $18,000 to a 401(k) plan through an employer.

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Final thought.  I was out running errands on Thursday and heard two radio talk-show hosts discussing the reaction of a number of Republican politicians at the federal level to the continued questions regarding a divide in their party.  One said that the questions become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I find such questioning to be valid.  Republicans hold 52 of the seats in the U.S. Senate.  They hold 239 of the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.  They hold the White House.  With such control, they should be able to pass major legislation if they were not divided.  Not one single piece of important legislation has been passed since the inauguration of the Liar-in-Chief.

Maybe they are more divided than they will admit.  Maybe it's a good thing to keep pointing this out.