Monday, October 30, 2017

Silence is not just assent, it is complicit consent.- Part 5

Kevin Spacey chose an unusual time to come out of the closet he has been in for so long.  It took an accusation from actor Anthony Rapp that Spacey came on to him when he was only 14 years of age.  Here is the statement that Spacey put out on Twitter:

Academy Award winning actor Kevin Spacey is using the Jerry Springer defense.  He's claiming he was drunk and coming out at the moment his alleged sexual harassment/assault is made public.  

I can believe that he may not remember something that happened when he was drunk, but that isn't an excuse for the behavior itself.  It could excuse the lack of memory but not the transgression.

There is a difference between Kevin Spacey and the others currently under the sexual harassment/assault/rape microscope at this time.  Dozens of women are accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault and more than a few of outright rape.  Hundreds of women have come forward and leveled accusations at James Toback.  Roman Polanski actually pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13 year old girl.  

Will other people come forward and accuse Kevin Spacey?  Only time will tell.

* * *

Lysette Anthony
Asia Argento
Sophie Dix
Lucia Evans
Trish Goff
Mimi Halyei
Natassia Malthe
Rose McGowan
Erika Rosenbaum
Annabella Sciorra
Cynthia Burr
Hope Exiner d'Amore
Ashley Matthau
Lacey Dorn
Three anonymous accusers

I picked these names and anon accusers out of the long list of Harvey Weinstein accusers because all of them have made allegations of rape or rape-like behavior.  He allegedly forced himself on these women.

Most of these incidents happened long enough ago that HW is probably safe from prosecution.  Not all of them.  Here's hoping he finds himself facing justice in the criminal court system.