Sunday, September 11, 2016

Deplorable Language

These videos might help us understand something.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is being taken to the woodshed by the Trump campaign for the following remarks.

Donald Trump's response was to say,“Isn’t it disgraceful that Hillary Clinton makes the worst mistake of the political season and instead of owning up to this grotesque attack on American voters, she tries to turn it around with a pathetic rehash of the words and insults used in her failing campaign?”

Aside from the fact the biggest mistake of the political season was that of Republicans to make Mr. Trump their nominee, I'm not sure I understand the problem with Secretary Clinton's remarks.

Do you find racism deplorable?  I do.
Do you find sexism deplorable?  I do.
Do you find homophobia deplorable?  I do.
Do you find xenophobia deplorable?  I do
Do you find Islamophobia deplorable?  I do.

Are people who possess one of these beliefs deplorable?  If all they ever do is hold the opinion and they never express it in any way other than in their minds, no.  But few keep such beliefs internalized.  They espouse their chosen beliefs.  Some of them express them in non-verbal ways that harm others.  Such people are indeed deplorables.  So to lump them into a basket is not so far-fetched.

The problem with Secretary Clinton's remarks is that she generalized.  Had she specified that there are many Trump supporters with those beliefs and that such beliefs are deplorable, we wouldn't have anything to think about regarding her remarks.