Thursday, August 25, 2016

After the latest gaffe from paid Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson, perhaps it is time to review them and examine a conspiracy theory I expect Trump and his supporters will advance in the wake of his impending defeat in November.

He hasn't changed his position, he's changed the words that he is saying.  If there were awards for most outrageous attempts at spinning an issue, that would be worth of a lifetime achievement award.  It's noteworthy, even coming from a woman who:

Blamed President Obama for the death of Captain Humayun Khan in Iraq, in the wake of the speech given by the father of Captain Khan at the Democratic National Convention.  Captain Khan was killed in 2004, long before President Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate.

Blamed President Obama for "tens of thousands of soldiers that have been lost. One million wounded" when the actual number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003 has been less than 6,000.  Number of wounded less than 100,000.

Claiming in June that Trump's original proposal to ban Muslims did not include all Muslims (of course the original press release from December of 2015 does indeed propose banning all Muslims).

Questioning whether or not Senator Marco Rubio was even eligible to run for President.  This one is a hoot.

Senator Rubio was born in Miami, to parents who weren't citizens at the time, and this moron is questioning whether or not he is "...a naturalized citizen?"  Does she really not get it that when someone is born on U.S. soil, they are a citizen by birth and do not need to go through the naturalization process?  I guess so.  Then she compounds her error by referring to the "anchor-baby law."  I think we should ask Captain Khan's father to send a pocket Constitution to Ms Pierson so she can refresh her understanding of it.

* * *

Now on to the conspiracy theory I believe we may hear from Trump or his surrogates once he loses in December.  He will claim that Ms Pierson, along with others who have worked as paid employees on his campaign were actually working for the Clinton campaign to sabotage his attempt to gain the presidency.

He's going to engage in one of the biggest ever blame games once he goes down to defeat, and this will quite probably be a part of his theorizing about why he lost.

Be ready for the spin doctoring of Trump's political demise.