Sunday, August 21, 2016

The mother of all false comparisons

Jerry Falwell, Jr. is the President of Liberty University.  He holds a BA and a JD and yet apparently during all of that time he apparently did not learn a lot about World History.  How else can one explain this statement by Mr Falwell:

"We are at a crossroads where our first priority must be saving our nation. We need a leader with qualities that resemble those of Winston Churchill, and I believe that leader is Donald Trump. As Churchill did, Trump possesses the resolve to put his country first and to never give up in a world that is increasingly hostile to our values.We are at a crossroads where our first priority must be saving our nation. We need a leader with qualities that resemble those of Winston Churchill, and I believe that leader is Donald Trump. As Churchill did, Trump possesses the resolve to put his country first and to never give up in a world that is increasingly hostile to our values."

He wrote that in an op-ed piece for the Washington Post, and to paraphrase the late U.S. Senator from Texas, Lloyd Bentsen, Mr. Falwell, I know the biography of Winston Churchill and Donald Trump is no Winston Churchill.

Let's make a few comparisons of these two men, beginning with their military service.

Trump - None.  Believes his time in a military high school gave him more knowledge of things military than most of us who have served.

Churchill - Seven years of military service following his graduation from the Royal Military College at Sandhurst.  He was an officer, rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel and served on the Western Front during WWI.

Their respective beliefs about the valor of prisoners of war:

Trump - Denigrates those who were POWs.

Churchill - While working as a civilian war correspondent was captured during the Second Boer War and escaped from the POW camp he'd been imprisoned in.

Political Experience:

Trump - None

Churchill - Six decades as a member of Parliament.  Home Secretary.  Minister of Munitions.  Secretary of State for War.  Secretary of State for Air.  Secretary of State for the Colonies.  Chancellor of the Exchequer.  First Lord of the Admiralty.  Minister of Defence.  Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice, for a total of nine years.

Sorry Mr. Falwell but your comparison is ridiculous.  There is NOTHING Churchillian about Donald Trump.