Monday, September 26, 2016

Breaking the law

The supporters of Donald Trump continue to harp on the fact that they believe that what Hillary Clinton did with her handling of email through her private email server was a violation of the law.  The FBI investigation did not say it was or it wasn't, it simply concluded that it would not be possible to successfully prosecute her for her actions in that matter.

Fair enough.  Consider her to be a lawbreaker if that's what you believe.  What about Donald Trump's violations of the law?

In 1972 Trump was accused of racial discrimination, a violation of the law by the U.S. Justice Department.  If he was truly innocent, why did he settle?  A detailed account of the events as they transpired printed by the Washington Post raises serious challenges to Mr. Trump's claims it was a "minor settlement" and his assertions that the Justice Department couldn't prove its case. 

He is accused of attempting to cheat employees at his places of business out of overtime wages.  Again, why is he settling these cases when he claims he hates to settle?  These aren't old cases either, one involving a Trump business in Miami involving 48 employees was settled just this year.

It is a violation of federal law to use funds from a not for profit to pay personal or business expenses.  The Washington Post has also detailed how Mr. Trump has allegedly violated this law as well.  The Post article provides evidence to back up its claim that the Trump Foundation paid out $258,000 that was to settle Trump's legal matters not related to the foundation.  The Trump campaign responded by claiming the article was "peppered with inaccuracies" and that the author, David Farenthold was biased against him.  It isn't bias to demonstrate facts that make someone look bad.  Where is the list of the so-called inaccuracies in the Post article?  It doesn't exist because there are none.

There are no truly honest politicians.  But as reported recently in the L.A. Times, Trump's level of lying during the 2016 presidential campaign reaches a new level of dishonesty.  What are some of his lies, according to the Times?

He lies that taxes in the U.S. are among the highest on Earth.  Untrue.
He lies that Hillary Clinton personally started the birther rumors.  Untrue.
He lies that he opposed military intervention in Iraq and Libya from the start.  Untrue.

How far does this go among his supporters.  That Times story quotes a retired finance professor who is a Trump supporter as claiming Trump was right to claim President Barrack Obama was born outside the U.S.  "He was born on a naval base in Mombasa, Kenya — that’s what I think,” Roberts said. “I’ve done some research.”

Here's the really sad truth as I see it, a few hours before the first presidential debate.  You could wave all of the documentation regarding what Trump has lied about and done illegally (or immorally) in front of those supporters and it would not matter one iota.  That's a testament to what a great con artist he is, and what a danger he presents.