Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Why Trump is Saying the Judge's Ruling is unfair

Donald Trump is unhappy because a judge ruled against him in a lawsuit.  The suit is a class-action lawsuit where former students of Trump University are claiming they were defrauded.  So why is Mr. Trump claiming bias?  Because the judge didn't rule in his favor.  The problem is, there are legal precedents for every facet of the judge's ruling.

You can read that ruling here.  Mr. Trump did not want the "playbooks" used by the sales force at Trump University to be released to the public.  More specifically, the 2009 playbook since the 2010 playbook had been released by Politico.  Let's stop down for a moment and use one of the techniques mentioned in the book to set the mood.

That's the music used for Trump's reality show.  The playbook says to use it at events for potential Trump University students.  The playbooks are filled with instructions on how to "hook" the clients.  So why did Trump's attorneys argue that the playbooks shouldn't be released?  Because they supposedly contained "trade secrets."  And even more laughably, that they are proprietary because Trump University may resume operations someday.

Moreover, since the judge who initially reviewed the playbooks earlier on determined that the 2009 playbook is "...largely duplicative" of the 2010 playbook.  Since that's in the public domain already, there's no good reason to keep the earlier version sealed.

What this tells us is that anything that doesn't go the way Trump wants it is unfair to him, in his mind.  Not a mindset suited for any political office, let alone the Oval Office.