Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Who will be the next James Bond?



"My name is Bond.  James Bond."  In the 54 years since we were introduced to the secret agent created by Ian Fleming, he's come a long way.  There will be a 25th James Bond movie but what is not yet clear is whether or not Daniel Craig will once again portray 007.  A number of names are being bandied about as potential replacements.  Most speculation has centered on Idris Elba and Tom Hiddleston but now the name of the woman known best as Agent  Dana Scully has entered the mix.  Gillian Anderson says she's up for the challenge and that she love a poster made by an anonymous fan.

Just to be thorough, here is a list of the actors who have played Bond in the official franchise films:

Sean Connery
George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan 
Daniel Craig

In case you did not know it, I'm a major Bondophile.  I've read all of the Ian Fleming books and seen all of the films.  A decade ago when Pierce Brosnan decided he wouldn't play Bond again, my choice was not Daniel Craig.  I wanted Clive Owen to take on the role.  I still think he would have been an excellent Bond.  But he isn't the right choice to take over for Daniel Craig.  Any of the other names being discussed as potential Bonds are good picks but I think the perfect choice is this guy:

No, not George Clooney.  The guy in front of him from a scene in Money Monster.  Jack O'Connell.  He's younger than most of the choices and if I'm casting a new Bond I'd want him to be able to play the role five or six times over the next 10 to 15 years.  He's got the chops and he would be a great Bond.

Who would you cast in the role?