Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Here are the names

While there were four votes on gun control legislation in the U. S. Senate on June 20th, only two of those really mattered.  Two of the measures under consideration were introduced by Democrats and represented a serious effort to change the status quo.  The other two were attempts at saving face by Senate Republicans and would have done nothing to change that status quo.

So here are the names of all of the Republican members of the Senate who voted in favor of those two measures.

Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois.

Short list, eh?  So is the list of all Democratic members of the Senate who voted against both of those measures.

Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota.

* * *

Every single Republican in the Senate except the aforementioned Senator Kirk apparently has nothing to offer involving the problem with gun violence in our nation except for the occasional moment of silence.  Let's examine their names:

Richard Shelby
Jess Sessions
Lisa Murkowski
Dan Sullivan
John McCain
Jeff Flake
John Boozman
Tom Cotton
Cory Gardner
Marco Rubio
Johnny Isakson
David Perdue
Mike Crapo
Jim Risch
Dan Coats
Chuck Grassley
Joni Ernst
Pat Roberts
Jerry Moran
Mitch McConnell
Rand Paul
David Vitter
Bill Cassidy
Susan Collins
Thad Cochran
Roger Wicker
Roy Blount
Steve Daines
Deb Fischer
Ben Sasse
Dean Heller
Kelly Ayotte (give her credit for voting for one of the two Democratic gun control bills)
Richard Burr
Thom Tillis
John Hoeven
Rob Portman
Jim Inhofe
James Lankford
Pat Toomey
Lindsay Graham
Tim Scott
John Thune
Mike Rounds
Lamar Alexander
Bob Corker
John Cornyn
Ted Cruz
Orrin Hatch
Mike Lee
Shelly Moore Caputo
Ron Johnson
Mike Enzi
John Barrasso

Every single one of these individuals apparently doesn't give a damn about the 49 Orlando victims.  I bet they'd vote differently if it were their loved ones lying dead or fighting for their lives in the hospital.  But it doesn't impact them personally, nor will they risk the loss of their NRA political contributions.  So when the next list of victims of assault rifle violence is printed, remember THESE names and assign blame where it belongs.