Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mental illness or inculcation?

The media began speculating about the mental health of Dylan Roof before we knew his name.  They were talking about how he had to be suffering from mental illness before he was apprehended for the mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.  Some call him mentally ill, others call him a terrorist.  In my mind he is a racist who chose to express his hatred in horrific, unconscionable violence.

Racism is not something human beings are born with.  It is something they learn from those around them as they grow up.  Like our religion and other ideologies, we initially acquire our system of beliefs from our parents (or whoever raises us in their absence).  Are those who were responsible for Dylan Roof's upbringing racists?  Probably although not necessarily.  The influences that led him down the path of hating other humans solely on the basis of the color of their skin may have come from other sources.  Rest assured they were there.  He didn't suddenly wake up one morning and decide he hated blacks.  He hated them long before he posed for this photo.

The flags are those of South Africa in the apartheid era and Rhodesia.  Both nations had governments controlled by a minority population of whites who oppressed and murdered members of the black majority.  Several statements have been attributed to Roof about his desire to kill blacks for various racist reasons.  This may be defined by some as mental illness, but it is simply out and out racial hatred.  Again, not something whites are born with.  It is most definitely a learned behavior.

Until the cycle of the inculcation of racism in the young, this kind of thing will continue to happen.  And it isn't a gun control issue.  There are more than 200 million firearms already in the hands of the civilian (meaning non-military and non-law-enforcement) population.  Unless someone has a way to confiscate all of these weapons without repeal of the 2nd Amendment, the guns are out there.  Dylan Roof's uncle bought him a gun for his 21st birthday, or so we're told.  If true, it proves his uncle is not the brightest bulb in the lamp.  After all, Dylan Roof apparently had a substance abuse problem.  You don't put a gun into the hands of someone with that kind of problem.

Stop racism and we stop this kind of violence.  Easier said than done.

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I was thinking about all the stuff we accumulate in our lives.  Most of mine is gone, due to my hospitalizations and other events.  When I was returning from my assignment in the Republic of Korea, I shipped five crates of 'stuff' home.  Only one made it back to me.  The other four were stolen in a big burglary at the mover's warehouse and while I got a big check to reimburse me for the loss, the money couldn't replace many of the items.

Souvenirs from my military assignments around the world.  My television and stereo system were replaceable but not at the low prices I'd paid for them in Japan.  Thankfully I brought the camera gear I'd purchased at a huge discount while there on the plan with me.  My Team Spirit ceremonial plate, given to me for my participation in that annual military exercise.  I actually had acquired one from the prior year which was also lost.

Along the way I've lost so many more things.  My military medals and the citations that accompanied them.  Photo albums, things that we no longer use in this digital age, filled with three decades of memories.  The big box of old bowling trophies I don't miss all that much, although my Boys Club Boy of the Year trophy is one I'd like to have.  I worked hard to earn it.

Then it dawned on me.  I don't need the stuff to remember the events in my life that they represent.  As long as I have those memories within me, they will never cease to exist.  I may not own the stuff itself, but no one can take those memories from me.  And I don't have way too much stuff cluttering my home.  Although I will continue to hang onto the gift of a Darth Vader Mr. Potato Head given to me by some of my tax training students.  Darth Tater is way cool.

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Random Ponderings:

A gun is not an appropriate birthday gift.  For anyone.  The one exception would be a collector's item not intended to be used for anything other than display.

Did Toyota's first ever female senior executive intend to import oxycodone to Japan?  Stay tuned.

RIP Rick Ducommum.

Now people want to argue whether the $10 or $20 bill should be used for the portrait of as yet to be determined woman.  Fans of Andrew Jackson are happy the choice was the $10 bill.  Fans of Alexander Hamilton want Congress to change the choice to the $20 bill.

The latest Darwin award nominee died when he fell from the wheel well of an airplane.  If you need to get somewhere badly enough to stowaway, either do it safely or don't go.

Mariah Carey is dating Aussie billionaire James Packer.  His father was Kerry Packer, a well-known "player" of both gambling games and women.  Wonder if the apple fell far from the tree or not.

In case you're wondering what new pizza to avoid it's the Pizza Hut pie with hot dogs wrapped in the edge of the crust.  460 calories and 30 grams of fat in one slice.  Wow. 

Some of the opponents of Hawaii's new law that raises the legal age to buy, smoke or possess cigarettes/e-cigarettes are saying it is unfair to military veterans under the age of 21.  "They're old enough to die for their country, but not old enough to smoke it in" is their statement.  Well, until they raise the legal age to drink alcohol to 21, they have no room to talk.

Like any other fan of "Storage Wars" I'm hoping we'll get to see the "brawl" that broke out between auctioneer Dan Dotson and the "Yup" man, Dave Hester.

Apparently 1,000 or so people who were busted for DUIs and had a court clerk "fix" their cases are going to face justice after all.  Must suck to think you got away with it and now have to answer for your crime.

If white racists continue to target black churches then whites who oppose violence and racism must stand watch with our black brothers and sisters over these holy places. 

After listening to the comments of Fox News Channel pundit Kimberly Guilfoyle about President Obama's response to the Charleston, SC church shooting as not being "presidential" enough, one has to wonder what reaction she was watching compared to the rest of us.  Aside from his choosing to go ahead and golf the next day, he was very presidential.  Maybe we should cut her some slack because she's the one in the "Leg Chair" on "The Five."