Sunday, June 14, 2015

Comparisons aren't always valid

I've read a number of people stating that society isn't being fair to Rachel Dolezal.  That she shouldn't be receiving all this criticism in comparison to society's generally strong acceptance of Caitlyn Jenner's announcement and unveiling.  Why should someone who is transgendered be treated better than someone who is obviously transracial.

On the surface it seems a valid comparison.  Both involve someone who believes themselves to be something other than the "image" that others perceive them to be.  Both involve a person who is making a choice.

So where is the difference?  I don't see where Caitlyn Jenner ever attempted to portray herself as something she wasn't.  She was open and honest about her transition.  While we don't have all of the facts, we do know that Ms Dolezal has not been open and honest about her desire to transition from being Caucasian to Black.  Howard University (according to a Boston Globe Op-Ed piece) believed her to be black when she applied and gave her a scholarship on that basis.  Is that being transracial, or is it fraud?  Was that scholarship designated for a minority student?  Was her position teaching Africana Studies designated for a minority professor?  Ms Dolezal claimed to be White, Black and American Indian on an application for an appointed position in Spokane government.

Caitlyn Jenner knew from an early age that in her mind, being born male was just wrong.  She was a woman trapped in a man's body.  Can Ms Dolezal honestly claim that she knew from early on, before her parents adopted black children, that she was born into the wrong race?  If she can't, then any comparisons between her and Caitlyn Jenner are of the apples and oranges variety.

If what she did is to be considered acceptable, what will stop high schools students seeking scholarships that are limited to "minority" students from claiming to be transracial?  Or in seeking admission where racial diversity is a factor in such decisions; in order to create a diverse student body population?

I believe she should have identified herself as transracial when she first sought election to leadership positions in the NAACP.  Transparency is paramount.  If those who voted for her would have voted differently because they knew all of the facts, their prejudice is their issue.  Should Ben Affleck ever stand for election to political office, should the fact his ancestors owned slaves be concealed or disclosed, especially if the issue of human trafficking arises during the campaign?

Personally I don't give a darn what race Ms Dolezal wants to identify with.  If she wants to call herself Black, that's her business.  As long as she isn't engaged in deceit that benefits her personally, it's nobody else's business.

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72 year old Tim Hunt had some great jobs as a scientist and now most of them are gone because of what he calls an attempt at a joke.  In case you missed it, he was giving a speech at the World Conference of Science Journalists in South Korea in which he said that girls cause trouble in labs because "you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry." Now he's been fired or resigned from three of his main positions and the question becomes, was the punishment too harsh?  Was he really attempting to make a joke?

It isn't the existence of Twitter or the internet that was his downfall.  It was not thinking before speaking.  It might have taken more time back in the day when we relied on print media and sexist drivel was more acceptable.  But times have changed.  Even the female scientists who claim he was punished too severely seem to feel some kind of discipline was in order.

Is love in the workplace a good idea?  99% or so of the time the answer is no.  That part of what he said isn't all that objectionable.  The bit about women crying was extremely sexist.  Especially when we live in a world where men crying isn't seen as a sign of weakness.

Bottom line here is that he brought this on himself.

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Jurassic World opened up with a weekend box office total of over $204 million.  Second best of all time, behind 2012's Avengers.  But is it really?  If you adjust for inflation and the fact there are more and more screens available each year, are these numbers truly comparable?

The answer is, they are.  I went back and ran some comparisons between Jurassic World and other blockbuster box office hits on a per screen average, adjusting so that inflation wasn't a factor.  It beat Star Wars Episodes IV and V easily because those two movies didn't open wide at first.  But it beat 1996's Independence Day easily and that opened on over 2,400 screens.  It blew away 2003's Matrix Reloaded, with a per screen average adjusted for inflation of more than $10,000 higher that this big hit.

So what's the difference between then and now?  Movies have bigger budgets for marketing.  Movies take full advantage of social media in that marketing.  Oh and FYI, despite opening overseas only a few days earlier than here in the U. S., Jurassic World had earned over $300 million in overseas box office.  I imagine the sequel got greenlighted the day it opened.

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Random Ponderings:

The Christian Post is suggesting that if Caitlyn Jenner were to take her own life at this point, it would be an act of mercy.  The height of hypocrisy.  Advocating a mortal sin.  The people behind that site are ultra-morons.

Naturally, when I finally drag my ass out for a breakfast of steak and eggs, the darn place is out of my favorite juice.  Figures.  Murphy's Law and all.

If actress Lark Voorhies wants to marry a man wanted for making death threats, that's her business, not her parents.  Yeah, they can call her and ask her to come to her senses but once she refuses, that's that.

Will the people who were outraged when pro athletes weren't immediately suspended and so on for domestic violence still purchase Nike products after the company announced they won't drop Hope Solo?

FYI, Jurassic World is a direct sequel to Jurassic Park, with the first two sequels set "aside."

I know this is petty but I'm really tired of TV shows about the military that talk about military personnel being given dishonorable discharges without mention of a court-martial.  You can't get a DD except as punishment at a general court-martial.

Some former Marines (I know, no such thing, but we're talking about people who were booted out of the Marine Corps) are refusing to testify at the retrial of one of their own.  They're taking the 5th, which tells me the allegations of arm-twisting by the real NCIS to get their original testimony may have some validity.

Prosperity gospel is nothing more than a racket to shear the wealth of the congregants who believe the person preaching this pablum.  Now Creflo Dollar, one of the best at this scam is getting his $65 million dollar dream jet.  IIRC, Jesus spread the gospel on foot and on occasion using a donkey for transportation. 

When you are so drunk, prior to 8 p.m. that police take you directly to the ER for treatment, something is very, very wrong.  Stay tuned to see what happens to John Stamos.

I'll miss Dusty Rhodes, who along with Ric Flair was one of the best at the figure-four leg lock.

So the fact the new handgun used by L. A. Sheriff's deputies has an easier trigger pull is why there are so many more accidental discharges?  Maybe it's the fact there's no safety on the damn thing?