Friday, May 08, 2015

Race or economics?

There's no denying that minorities, blacks in particular, are injured and killed at the hands of law enforcement officers more than whites.  But is it an issue of race, poverty or both?

Before delving into the question, it's necessary to point out that the race of a police officer is a non-factor in the actions taken against civilians.  Police officers come from all races but once they put on the uniform, they are "blue" in their eyes.  And in the eyes of the civilian population they are supposed to protect and serve, not kill or maim.  The fact that three of the six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray are black means nothing as far as whether or not his death is a racially motivated issue.  The officers are all blue.

Crime is higher in areas that are populated by people with lower incomes.  The lower the level of median income, the higher the crime rate.  When we examine the demographics of the population of these poorest of neighborhoods, we find that minorities are the majority of the populace.

Is this solely a racial issue?  I don't believe that to be 100% accurate.  But unwarranted violence and killings by police of civilians does disproportionately involve minorities in general and blacks in particular because of a combination of race and the inequality of income.

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Reports coming in from Mexico are claiming that David Goldberg, Husband of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg died from head injuries he suffered in a fall while using a treadmill at the resort they were staying at.  Conspiracy theorists are claiming this to be a "cover story" for some other cause of death.

Data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission indicates that there is no other piece of equipment in the gym that causes as many emergency room visits as the treadmill.  Over 19,000 such ER visits in 2009 alone.  While my treadmill accident didn't cause me to visit the ER, it wasn't fun.  Worse yet, there was no one there to help me.

I was traveling on business and after a late dinner with work friends, I decided to go to the hotel fitness center and work off some of the wonderful food I'd eaten earlier.  The center was open 24 hours, but there was no attendant on duty.  At that hour, no one else was around.  I stepped onto the motionless side of the device to towel off and drink some water.  When I went to step back onto the treadmill, I forgot to lower the speed so I wouldn't trip.  I did trip and fall, and the treadmill dumped my clumsy carcass onto the floor.  It hurt, but I wasn't seriously injured.

Had I been seriously hurt, who knows how long it would have been before someone would have found me and called for assistance.  From that night forward I made a point of letting someone know whenever I was off working out on my own, so they could look for me if I didn't let them know I was back within the appropriate time interval.

The reports on Mr. Goldber's death claim he was alive when he was found but died at the hospital.  Would he have lived if help had arrived more quickly?  We will never know.

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Random Ponderings:

I'd be happy to be Lindsay Vonn's rebound relationship, just to help out mind you.

I would also be happy to see a match at Wrestlemania 32 between 

Only an idiot uses a javelin to pull a tooth.

In India, four young female athletes attempted suicide, and the speculation is that they were involved in a pact because they'd been bullied by some of the older athletes at the facility where they were training.  Guess bullying isn't just a problem here.

If Jeb Bush is really going to name George W Bush as his foreign policy advisor, he is nonwhere near electable.

I'm not surprised that Pentagon employees used their government credit cards to spend nearly $100,000 on adult entertainment (no taxpayer money was used, they reimbursed the government) to hide the spending from their spouses.  I'm very surprised the figure is so low.

Mars, makers of M&Ms and other candies wants you to cut back on your sugar.  Just eat enough so they remain profitable.  Message received.

NCIS and Blue Bloods are still in the top ten for total viewer numbers and CBS has yet to renew either?  That's dumb.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck can say he is disturbed or concerned about an officer-involved shooting.  But he should not be saying anything that questions whether or not the shooting was justified until the investigation runs its course.  Yes, pacifying an angry public is important.  You don't accomplish that by fanning the flames of controversy.

I blinked and suddenly the Triple Threat match at Payback is a Fatal Four-Way.  WWE ratings are down because their storylines suck.  Bring back Mr. McMahon.

Old joke of this blog:  Why do politicians always take the bottom position during sex?  Because that way they can only f**k up.

Sofia Vergara says it isn't fair for the media to make a big story out of the battle she's fighting with her former lover over some fertilized embryos.  I'd like to see someone explain to her that when you use the media to promote your projects, they're going to look at your entire life.

Just saw a photo of Miranda Kerr nearly naked eating french fries.  Now there's a morning stimulant.

I shouldn't be surprised that NJ Governor Chris Christie is defending Tom Brady in the #DeflateGate scandal.  Christie is nowhere near the most ethical politician in the profession.

Hugh Jackman giving up playing Wolverine is only a bad thing if they try to re-cast the role.

Any pro athlete who is proven to have used performance enhancing drugs should have any individual records they achieve marked with a great big asterisk.