Monday, April 27, 2015


Members of two chapters of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, one from Emory University and one from the University of Florida are in trouble for their actions at a weekend frat function in Tampa.  Allegedly they spit on, urinated on and otherwise insulted and disrespected some wounded warriors who were there having their own gathering.

"I am personally offended and disappointed by the behavior that has been described to me," University of Florida Student Affairs Vice President Dave Kratzer said. "This is not representative of our students or of the university."

Of course it is representative of your students.  They did it.  Like it or not, those are your students who couldn't hold their liquor and behave like men.  They had the unmitigated gall to disrespect the men and women who sacrificed much to give them the freedom to do the stupid things they do.  Mr. Kratzer has no business being their apologist or claiming they don't represent the bad behavior that seems to becoming more and more prevalent on college campuses.  Racism, sexism, sexual assault and the need to protect the college athletes who put dollars in the coffers and asses in the stadium seats have always been problems.  But at this point in a society that is allegedly growing in maturity and seeking higher standards of deportment, those trends should be on the decline, not rising.

How fortunate these frat-boy assholes were that the veterans who witnessed and suffered these indignities wisely chose not to respond or retaliate.  They might have been on the receiving end of the swift justice that might teach them a lesson.  Personally, I suspect the three jerks who were already booted from the U of F chapter of ZBT think of this as a badge of honor.  It is not.  It is a badge of shame.

They should be ashamed, not proud.  And their loved ones and those responsible for shepherding them through the halls of education shouldn't defend or apologize for them.  They need a swift kick in the ass, not hugs and counseling.

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I just read a story about how a woman described as "Wanda M." is being persecuted by Walmart over two incidents involving allegations of shoplifting.  You can read the details here:

It seems that retailers have found a new way to generate additional revenues in a very creative way.  They make money on items that are stolen and recovered in a condition good enough to still be sold.  They can collect from the shoplifter and from a new customer. 

It is so ingenious I'm wondering when local governments will find a way to use something like this to improve their "revenue enhancers."  Currently the city of Los Angeles is engaged in a crackdown on jaywalkers in the downtown area that isn't about promoting public safety.  It's all about the money.

You may not have known this, but once the green "walk" turns to a blinking red, stepping off the curb is a violation.  If you weren't in the crosswalk before the traffic signal's pedestrian indicator goes from green to red, you must wait.  Or you can take a chance, but considering the fine can range from $197 to more than $250, it may not be worth the risks. 

According to LAPD Traffic Division data, more than 17,000 citations have been issued for this infraction over a four year period in the downtown area.  Hmmmm..., 17,075 x $197 = over $3.3 million in revenues.  Not bad.  It won't balance the budget but when you add in parking fines, traffic violations and the like, I'm sure Mayor Garcetti is handing out the high-fives to the people enforcing these types of violations.

Speeders, people who fail to yield, or run red lights need to be brought to justice.  But someone stepping off a curb just as a green walk sign turns to a red don't walk sign, who still get across the intersection before the light itself changes isn't dangerous and it isn't worth someone being fined nearly $200.

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Random Ponderings:

Ronda Rousey won't be wrestling against Stephanie McMahon in a WWE match anytime soon.  Good thing for Mrs. Triple H, because Rousey would make mincemeat out of her.

Should I be concerned that I've once again managed to climb to the highest level in Candy Crush Saga and must now wait for new levels to be written?  Probably.

Why should Bill Belichick be criticized for taking a good look at Chrissy Teigen?  It isn't like he was drooling or panting.

When her hubby Vladimir Klitschko was defending his boxing championship at the famed Madison Square Garden, I wonder if she shouted "finish him" like Brigitte Nielsen did in "Rocky IV."  She should have done it in a Russian accent.

Acts of violence by protestors in Baltimore does nothing to advance their cause of holding police accountable for their actions in the death of  Freddie Gray; and in general.  Their frustration is understandable.

Some of the anger being expressed by fans of "Grey's Anatomy" over the death of a major character is a bit over the top.

 Scott Disick not being at the family viewings of the Bruce Jenner special on Friday isn't surprising.  He's a major jerk.  But I guess he's good for ratings.

With Corinthian Colleges closing their remaining campuses, I'm surprised the commercials that are plastered all over daytime television continue to air.  But then again, the time was already paid for.

Why are the mutants in the X-Men films that don't look like ordinary humans always blue?  Why not green or orange?

My favorite morning news team blew another one, reporting on the trial of Aurora, CO shooter James Holmes.  They stated that the mass shooting was in 2013, not 2012.