Friday, September 13, 2013

Tiger tiger, living Malibu and other eye-catching headlines

A woman who lives in West Malibu and is seeking permission to house two white Bengal tigers on her property is facing stiff opposition from her neighbors.  Many of the neighbors own animals of their own that would be a nice meal for the tigers if they ever got out.

A bill waiting for Governor Moonbeam's signature that would give illegal immigrants the right to obtain driver licenses here in California has people sharply divided on the issue.  More on this story in tomorrow's blog.

A U.S. Navy doctor has been relieved of command of the hospital ship USS Mercy after he was found to have falsified his physical fitness and weight records.  He will probably be forced to retire from the Navy.

In Marathon, FL, a dentist used an acrylic resin normally used to repair dentures to fix a 10 inch split on a turtle's shell.

In Angola, NY, a 99 year old man continues to play golf and he shoots in the low 70s.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has denied an appeal from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to have the area of the Yarnell fire declared a federal disaster area.

A particularly nasty obituary of a Nevada woman, written by her adult children has gone viral.  You can see it here:  More on this also in tomorrow's blog.

Sheryl Crow says that any man she might consider settling down with needs to be "funny, smart, engaged, conscious and someone with a vast curiosity."  But then when she added "someone who reads" she may have cut the potential suitor pool by a large factor, if we're talking about reading actual books.

Will Miss Uzbekistan win the Miss World pageant?  Only if it can be determined that she really is Miss Uzbekistan.  That nation has never sent a contestant to the pageant and no contest was held for the title in that country this past year.

It only took two strikes for NY Yankees catcher Chris Stewart to strike out in a recent game.  He watched the first pitch miss for ball 1, hit a foul ball for strike one, swung and missed the first pitch and turned around and walked to the bench.

Dina Lohan is claiming she was injured when police arrested her for speeding and suspicion of driving under the influence (she blew a .20).

A 64 year old man who is fit and healthy claims to have eaten 12,000 Big Macs over the past 30 years.

The founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page are going to be paying more to fly on their fleet of private jets after their cozy arrangement with NASA to buy deeply discounted fuel from the Defense Department was terminated.

This photo from New York's "Fashion Week" speaks for itself.


Meanwhile will someone please tell Michelle Pfeiffer that Prince wants his suit back.


Charges have been filed against Kanye West for an incident where he allegedly assaulted a paparazzi at LAX.

Charlie Sheen finally got his high school diploma from my alma mater, Santa Monica High School.  While I wasn't nearly as bad as he was about attending classes, I missed my fair share but didn't need 30 extra years to graduate. 

Chief Keef is a 17 year old rapper who is facing arrest for failing to pay $20,000 in child support.  He started young. 

And finally, WWE Hall of Fame member, long-time announcer Jim Ross says he is hanging up his microphone and retiring.