Monday, September 02, 2013

Laboring on Labor Day

I had to run a couple of errands this morning and they wiped me out.  I'm now wondering if I'm getting sick again as my body seems to be retaining fluid and my breathing is a tiny bit more difficult than "normal".  While I'm nowhere near needing to run off to the ER and find myself hospitalized for a few days again, I need to nip this in the bud.  So all plans for today were abruptly cancelled.  I will be in my room resting.  I won't make my daily walking goal although I am already 2/3rds of the way there, so that isn't that big a deal.  Hopefully limiting my fluid intake and conserving energy will have me back to normal in a day or two.

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Do you tip when you eat out?  I'm sure the answer is yes, for the overwhelming majority of you, at least most of the time.  You don't tip at McDonald's or Burger King, do you?  Why would you tip at Starbucks and not at a fast food restaurant?  Do you tip the pizza delivery driver?  Why or why not?

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Sometime in the past few days, Time-Warner Cable changed the feed on my cable for channels 2 and 9.  2 had been some version of the STARZ network and 9 had been just a sign saying TWC and CBS are in a pissing contest.

Now Channel 2 is the Hallmark Channel, and they've been running a marathon of Perry Mason movies all weekend.  Channel 9 is now the Tennis Network.

I'm tired of this whole mess.  Neither of these organizations seem willing to budge an inch.  The only reason I don't change cable providers is that TWC has the exclusive broadcast rights to the Dodgers and Lakers for the extended future.  I don't want to switch to AT&T or DirecTV and have to pay extra to watch my teams.

I'm not sure what to do but I will think of something.

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Was the decision of Vladimir Putin to give asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden made in an effort to gain access to the secrets he had stolen; or was it something else?  Maybe a chance at payback?  In 2008, the U.S. granted asylum to Boris Kuznetsov, a Russian lawyer who made copies of a classified document that showed the government of Russia had engage in an illegal wiretap of his client.  The Russians are also unhappy about the U.S. taking other Russians into custody in other nations and bringing them back to the U.S. to face charges here for drug and/or gun smuggling. 

Maybe the Russians were engaging in both payback and an attempt to gather intelligence by giving Edward Snowden the asylum he sought.

Wonder if the Russians would trade Snowden for Kuznetsov?

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Random Ponderings:

When we think about how many people in the U.S. are going hungry and living in poverty, it seems enormous yet India just passed into law a program to try to feed 800 million people who are going hungry and living in abject poverty.  So how can they do that for $18 billion annually when we are spending four times that much on the federal food stamp program?  Oh right, those poor people are only getting 12 pounds of grain, plus free food for pregnant and lactating women, and children under six, while in the U.S. food stamps pay for Chicken McNuggets or Whoppers.

Would someone out there at some website please write another article about the men in Cher's past?  The first 6,372 were just not enough.

I don't care if sweet potatoes do have more potassium in them than bananas, I still don't like them.

Why is it that on days like today, supermarkets that are doing little business don't have their shelves fully stocked?  I had to go to three stores to find something I wanted this morning.  An item they all normally carry, no less.

When an "airbump" ends the season for a college player is it finally time for coaches to get their players to celebrate with just a tad less enthusiasm?

If Tim Tebow tries the Canadian Football League, how many teams will he be cut from before he gives up?

Bad enough to have an artist tattoo the phrase "never is an awfully long time" on your back, but to have them spell it as "awefully"?  And if you think that's bad, check this out:

But like they say, it could be worse:

Or even worse:


On Labor Day as I look back on all the different jobs I've had thus far in life, was being a clerk in an adult book store right outside a military base the weirdest?  Maybe.

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This Date In History:

On this date in 44BC, Cicero begins his oratorical attacks on Marc Antony.
On this date in 1666, the great fire of London breaks out, destroying 10,000 buildings.
On this date in 1789, the U.S. Department of the Treasury is founded.
On this date in 1833, Oberlin College is founded.
On this date in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln reluctantly gives command back to General McClellan after a disastrous loss at the Second Battle of Bull Run.
On this date in 1901, then Vice President Teddy Roosevelt says "speak softly and carry a big stick."
On this date in 1935, a hurricane kills more than 400 people in the Florida Keys.
On this date in 1945, combat ends in the Pacific Theater.
Also on that date, Vietnam declares its independence.
On this date in 1958, a US Air Force C-130 is shot down over Armenia when it strays into Soviet airspace.  All on board were killed.
On this date in 1963, the CBS Evening News telecast is lengthened from 15 to 30 minutes.
On this date in 1970, NASA announces the cancellation of two of the Apollo missions.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Louis Bonaparte
Esteban Echeverria
Albert Spalding
Adolph Rupp
Hugo Montenegro
Hal Ashby
D. Wayne Lukas
Peter Ueberroth
Mary Jo Catlett
John Thompson
Rosalind Ashford
Joe Simon
Billy Preston
Dan White
Nate Archibald
Terry Bradshaw
Christa McAuliffe
Jim DeMint
Michael Gray
Mark Harmon
Jimmy Connors
Tony Alva
Eric Dickerson
Keanu Reeves
Salma Hayek

Movie quotes today come from "Grown Ups" which starred the lovely Salma Hayek:

Deanne McKenzie: How about I take you out for a date night every Thursday?
Kurt McKenzie: Well, Thursday night is Grey's Anatomy, but any other night would be great.


Marcus Higgins: Hey Y, where's MCA?


Donna Lamonsoff: Dad, hurry up. I want to go on the other rides.
Eric Lamonsoff: Just a minute. Don't worry, we'll get to ride all of them.
Donna Lamonsoff: Are you making a sissy? You know they make a chemical that turns urine blue.
Eric Lamonsoff: No, that's just a myth.
Eric Lamonsoff: [as the urine is turning blue] Oh my gosh, you're embarrassing me!


Wiley: Excuse me. It is okay if I feel your belly? I love babies. I love to feel them kick.
Deanne McKenzie: Sure, go ahead.
Deanne McKenzie: [Wiley leans down as far as possible and feels Deanne's breast] That's not my belly, that's my boob.
Wiley: I like to feel those too.