Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Iran suing the U.S.

There are members of the Iranian Parliament that want to "sue" the U.S. for the CIA's role in the 1953 coup that returned Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to power.  They wouldn't get anywhere in a U.S. court and the U.S. probably wouldn't recognize the jurisdiction of an Iranian court.  So why does this matter?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that nations have been meddling in the affairs of other nations since governments first came into being.  When the Vietnam War was going on, it wasn't just a conflict between North and South.  It was communism versus capitalism.  The USSR supplying materiel to the North while the U.S. and other allies provided materiel and troops to the South.  The victors in World War II divided Germany along similar lines.

When the day comes that the Iranians are willing to pay reparations for the 1979 seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, we can discuss reparations for that 1953 coup.

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Is the real reason that there is a crisis involving student loan debt the profits made by Sallie Mae and the banks making/servicing these loans?  Maybe.  Is the answer to eliminate the profit motive from educational lending?  That's a tougher question.  If it makes sense to eliminate the profit motive from one area, why not eliminate it in every area that involves things people need. 

People need food, so should private enterprise profit from feeding the masses?  People need transportation to get around, so should car manufacturers, dealers and repair shops make money because people have a need?  Oh, add those who operate gas stations to that particular list.

I have advocated getting rid of the profit motive as a way to solve a part of the healthcare crisis.  The part where doctors are having to see a patient every ten minutes (or less) in order to be able to afford to remain in business.  It is a necessary evil when doctors accept the continually shrinking reimbursements that healthcare insurers pay out.  But the best fix there might just be making the profiteers compete against non-profits, to encourage better coverage and more efficient claims processing.

We as a nation don't have the money to let government handle all of the funding and servicing of student loans on a non-profit basis.  Since government has to borrow money just to operate, it has none to lend out on an interest-free basis.  To cover the cost of borrowing and administering a gigantic program like this, the interest rates on such loans would be even higher than the current, artificially lowered rates.

Once again, a large part of the problem is actually government employee salaries, benefits and pensions at public colleges and universities.  That's where we can make progress in making education more affordable, if we can muster the political will to make changes in such things.

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Random Ponderings:

Everyone's marveling at the new Burger King French Fry Burger.  Primanti Brothers sandwich shops have been putting French fries into their sandwiches for 80 years.

Is anyone surprised that Bank of America is ranked last in a survey of the reputations of banks?  (no)

If you worked for Glenn Beck (I know, stretching the limit of the hypothetical to the extreme) and you got a memo threatening to fire anyone who does anything due to global warming (recycling, "green" light bulbs and so on), would you quit?  (probably)

What kind of scumbag gouges out the eyes of a six year old boy?

The USDA spending $20 million on a catfish inspection program that hasn't yet inspected a single fish is just business as usual.  It's why government is broke.  And yet, the notion was designed to make it more difficult for importers to compete against U.S. sellers of catfish.  So is it really wasteful?

Is taking time apart from your marriage really working on it, as Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones claim to be doing?  (maybe)

Should we be surprised that more than 140 people face criminal charges for misuse of money from TARP (government bailout program for banks)?  Only that the number seems low.

Only I could misplace my handicapped parking placard inside my car and end up spending money to park at a meter because I couldn't find it (I found it once I got home).

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This Date in History:

On this date in 1521, the Ottoman Turks occupy Belgrade.
On this date in 1609, Henry Hudson discovers Delaware Bay
On this date in 1789, William Herschel discovers a new moon of Saturn.
On this date in 1830, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad races its steam locomotive against a horse.
On this date in 1833, the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 receives "Royal Assent".
On this date in 1845, the first issue of Scientific American is published.
On this date in 1859, a geomagnetic storm causes an extremely bright Aurora Borealis that is visible in areas where the effect can not normally be seen.
On this date in 1867, the U.S. takes possession of the Midway Atoll.
On this date in 1898, Caleb Badham invents what is known today as Pepsi Cola.
On this date in 1917, ten suffragettes picketing the White House are arrested.
On this date in 1953, Nippon Television broadcasts Japan's first television show, with commercial.
On this date in 1955, Emmett Till is brutally murdered in Mississippi.
On this date in 1957, Senator Strom Thurmond begins what will become the longest filibuster in U.S. history by a single senator, 24 hours and 18 minutes.  He was trying to prevent a vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
On this date in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gives his "I Have a Dream" speech during the march on Washington.
On this date in 1964, the Philadelphia race riots begin.
On this date in 1990, Iraq declares Kuwait its newest province.
On this date in 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party.
On this date in 1996, Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorce.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

John Stark
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
George Whipple
Charles Boyer
Joseph Luns
Jack Dreyfus
Jack Kirby
Nancy Kulp
Peggy Ryan
Donald O'Connor
Ben Gazzara
Ken Jenkins
William Cohen (the one who was Defense Secretary)
David Soul
Melvin Dummar
Vonda McIntyre
Danny Seraphine
Ron Guidry
Wayne Osmond
Luis Guzman
Rick Rossovich
Daniel Stern
Whip Hubley ("Hollywood" and "Slider" from "Top Gun" both born on this date???  Yep)
David Fincher
Jennifer Coolidge
Shania Twain
Jack Black
Jason Priestly
Janet Evans
Kimberly Kane
Armie Hammer
Kyle Massey
Quvenzhane Wallis

Movie quotes today honor the birthday of Luis Guzman.  They come from "The Bone Collector" since my first choice among his movies to quote, "Waiting" was used the other day:

Rhyme: Do you know who I am?
Amelia: I read your manual at the academy.
Rhyme: Yeah? What did you think of it?
Amelia: I'm not a book critic, sir.


Captain Howard Cheney: You got a smart mouth, and it's gonna get you in trouble someday.
Thelma: Yeah, and it also may bite your ass if you don't stop tryin' to aggravate my patient!


Paulie: If you were any more wound up you'd be a timex.