Sunday, September 01, 2013

I got it on E-Bay and other eye-catching headlines

People are now selling positive pregnancy tests on EBay.  Most are clearly labeled as "prank" items but some have no such labels.  And while some of them are being sold sealed in material that shows they were intended to be sold in a "joke" shop, others look just like the real thing.

Police in Toledo, Ohio released a video this week of an incident that took place three years ago.

The woman wasn't "loving it", was she?  She was sentenced to 60 days in jail and ordered to pay the costs of replacing the window.

As the company American Apparel struggles to keep jobs here in the U.S., it faces problems finding enough parking spaces for its employees.  The company has had to hire a valet service to handle employee vehicles because of the shortage of parking in L.A.'s Arts District.

While his condition is labeled as "unstable", former South African president and Nobel Laureate Nelson Mandela has been taken from the hospital to his home in an upscale suburb of Johannesburg. 

The newest Dodger, Michael Young will join the club on Monday and not be a "regular" player for the first time in his 14 year career.  But his leadership is expected to help the club in their drive to reach and win the World Series for the first time in 25 years.

David Frost, the legendary British broadcaster has passed away.  He is best remembered for his 1977 interviews with Richard Nixon.  No one ever came closer to getting the disgraced former president to explain himself.

Conservative commentator and talk-show host Bill O'Reilly admitted on Thursday that he'd made a mistake on Wednesday when he criticized organizers of the 50th anniversary celebration of the March on Washington for not inviting Republican leaders.  Turns out Republicans were invited but chose not to attend.  The big news is O'Reilly admitting to a gaffe.  Now when and if Rush Limbaugh ever admits to being wrong, that will be breaking news.

A man from the Pittsburgh area has become the first American and fourth person overall to complete the "Oceans Seven" challenge.  It means he has swam seven ocean channels.  Incredible feat.

The entire 25 member cheerleading squad at Towson University has been suspended for one year, for a violation of the school's no hazing policy.  Details of the hazing incident have not been disclosed.  The team took first place this past April at the National Cheerleading Association's collegiate championships.

In Moro, IL a man didn't believe it at first when he was told he'd won the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes prize of $5,000 per week, forever. 

A Kentucky woman is filing complaints with state officials after she looked in the urn containing her 17 year old son's ashes and found they were inside of a bag from Walmart. 

Lance Bass has gotten engaged to his boyfriend.

Joan Rivers says she'll sue Michael Lohan if he makes any more remarks where he claims she is addicted to botox and/or plastic surgery.  Joan Rivers suing someone for something someone says that is insulting is the best instance of the pot calling the kettle black in ages.