Friday, August 09, 2013

Time for more "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns"

As always, the beginning of a month brings several things to the setting of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns".  The rent comes due.  People who depend on SSI get paid sometime near the first of the month and after paying the government-limited rent, they have a few bucks left over that will be gone long before mid-month.  And of course, the two monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday and Wednesday.

That first Tuesday is the meeting with the residents and the Head Chef.  The President of the Resident's Council couldn't be there as he had another commitment on that day; but he heard all about it in great detail afterward.  Apparently the children of one of the residents were there visiting and while they were in the lobby, they were talking to other residents about problems these residents were having with the food.  The way it was related to the President is that these children were here not only to visit but to discuss their own dissatisfaction with the food their parent was receiving.  They decided to invite themselves to the meeting.  They, along with their parent were sitting with several other residents who have been vocal about their displeasure with the food.

When the Head Chef began the meeting apparently these visitors were a little rough on him and he got defensive.  Then things reportedly became so uncomfortable for him that he actually offered his resignation.  That prompted the other residents who had remained silent until that moment to become very vocal that this was not acceptable.  They would not let him resign.

The President has discussed what transpired at the meeting with a few of the residents who were involved in the so-called "attack".  Clearly they did not intend to make an attack or "ambush" the Head Chef as others are claiming, but life is often about perspective and perception.  From their perspective it was an attempt at dialogue.  From the Chef's perspective, and that of other residents the President has spoken with, it was clearly an ambush and attack all in one.

The very next day was the monthly meeting of the Resident's Council.  The supervisor of the Facility Manager came out after hearing about the meeting with the Head Chef and the President invited her to address the meeting.  She defended the chief stridently, calling what those few residents did an attack, extoling the Head Chef's virtues and how lucky the facility is to have him.  In fact, a direct quote was "I wish I could clone him and put him at every facility I oversee."

This upset those residents who are not happy with the food even more.  Then the President proposed that the Resident's Council pass a resolution (meaning rule) that from now on, meetings with the Head Chef and the Resident's Council are open to residents only.  Invited guests must be cleared first.

The other big development of late is that the resident who threatened to kill the President (which is not a federal offense here) was taken out last Friday on a "5150".  Now that resident has returned but with a much different mindset apparently.  There have been no confrontations at all between this person and any other resident.  Which is a great relief to management, staff and residents alike.

Until next time.