Friday, August 02, 2013

What confusion hath SCOTUS wrought?

California.  Connecticut.  Delaware.  Iowa.  Maine.  Maryland.  Massachusetts.  Minnesota.  New Hampshire.  New York.  Rhode Island.  Vermont.  Washington.  The District of Columbia.

13 states and DC have all legalized same-sex marriage.  The recent decision of the Supreme Court to overturn one section of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional is appropriate, accurate and will sow massive confusion unless Congress acts. 

Congress needs to pass legislation to determine whether the state where a couple's marriage took place, or where they reside; will determine their marital status in the eyes of the federal government.  Let's look at two hypothetical couples.  Both were married in California, where same-sex marriage is legal.

Couple #1 lives in California.  Therefore it doesn't matter if the feds use their current state of residence, or the location of their marriage to determine they are married in the eyes of the federal government.

But couple #2 lives in Mississippi.  So their state doesn't recognize their marriage.  They can't file joint state tax returns.  Mississippi has the right to determine they won't allow that (until the rest of DOMA is overturned) couple to file jointly.  The question becomes, how do they file with the IRS?

If the IRS determines state of residence will determine marital status, that couple is no better off than they were before the SCOTUS decision.  They still have to file separate income tax returns.

This is a problem created by the decision of SCOTUS to not invalidate the entirety of DOMA.  Hopefully someone will sue and get the remaining section overturned as well.  Until there, Houston, we have a problem.

* * *

I went to bed at an appropriate hour last night and slept the normal allocation of hours.  But when I got up this morning, I was thoroughly exhausted and I still am.  I had plans for the day and by the time I was done eating breakfast, I knew I'd be cancelling all of them.  Had I been scheduled to work, I'd have forced myself to go.  I may force myself to go play trivia tonight, but if I were going to make a bet on it, I'd bet that I will end up staying right here.  There's no prize for tonight's game and next week my schedule gets busier. 

I think this is part of that thing where when we don't listen to our bodies, we pay for it in the long run.  If the body says rest, rest.  I spent so many years working a full-time job, and a part-time job, and trying to have a life outside of them, maybe it's nothing more than my body demanding I give it the rest I denied it for so many years.  I worked part-time and/or went to college throughout my military career and I had part-time jobs of one sort or another in addition to my full-time employment subsequent to leaving the military.  Just thinking about it, I'm just lucky I won't feel like this every minute for the rest of my life.

* * *

It isn't worthy of a full installment of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns", but the 'battle' between one resident and the facility is going on, full throttle.  The RIQ (resident in question) upped the ante yesterday by shoving another resident.  The resident who was shoved in front of two witnesses denies anything happened, but that person suffers from severe dementia.  Two employees saw what happened. 

So we will see if the RIQ is removed on a 5150.  Of course I'm referring to a psychiatric hold, and not implying this resident will be carried out on a giant-sized copy of the Van Halen album with that title.

* * *

In honor of tonight's midnight showing of "Sharknado", here is a list of Academy Award winning Best Pictures, re-named as potential Sharknado sequels, working backward from the most recent awards:

Sharknado 2:  Argo Shark Yourself
Sharknado 2:  The Artistic Shark
Sharknado 2:  The King's Shark
Sharknado 2:  The Locker of Hurt Shark
Sharknado 2:  Millionaire Slumdog Shark
Sharknado 2:  No Country for Old Sharks
Sharknado 2:  The Shark's Departure
Sharkando 2:  Crashing Shark
Sharknado 2:  Million Dollar Shark
Sharknado 2:  Lord of the Rings - The Shark Returns
Sharknado 2:  Shark in the Windy City
Sharknado 2:  A Beautiful Shark Mind
Sharknado 2:  The Shark Was Glad He Ate Her
Sharknado 2:  American Shark Beauty Pageant
Sharknado 2:  Sharkspeare in Love (With Eating Humans)
Sharknado 2:  The Titanic Shark
Sharknado 2:  A Patient Shark in England
Sharknado 2:  Brave Shark Heart
Sharknado 2:  Schindler's Pet Shark
Sharknado 2:  An Unforgiven Shark
Sharknado 2:  The Silence of a Shark Chewing Lamb Chops
Sharknado 2:  Dances With Sharks
Sharknado 2:  Driving Miss Daisy's Shark

Okay, enough.

* * *

Random Ponderings:

Which way will the Hollywood career of Cote de Pablo go, as she leaves TV's #1 rated show, "NCIS"?  Will it go the way of George Clooney and Johnny Depp, or the way of Maclean Stevenson and Pernell Roberts?  BTW, the word around Hollywood is that when the question comes up, people have a two word answer.  "David Caruso"

How quickly the public turns...the Arizona Cardinals cheerleader who was recently lauded for her military service is now the subject of public scorn, after she kicked the crap out of her boyfriend.  Should one cancel out the other in forming opinions about her?

Is the real reason A-Roid is fighting so hard how history will remember him, or is it all about the money (it's the money)?

Should we be worried that not only is job growth slower than projections, but most of the growth is in the lowest paying industries (yes, we should)?

Kudos to Shailene Woodley for her insistence that she be filmed sans makeup in her most recent movie, "The Spectacular Now."

More kudos, this time to George Clooney for having the courage to speak his mind about Daniel Loeb.

Would you trust your finances to an advisor who has 80 years of experience at the same firm (I would)?  Alfred Feld almost got laid off in 1933, but continues to toil for Goldman Sachs even though he is currently 98 years young.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1337, Russian troops lose a battle at the Payana River, because they were drunk.
On this date in 1610, Henry Hudson sails into what is now Hudson Bay, thinking he's reached the Pacific Ocean.
On this date in 1790, the first U.S. Census is conducted.
On this date in 1869, Japan abolishes the class system known as Shinokosho (samurai, farmer, artisan, merchant) under the Meiji Reforms.
On this date in 1923, Calvin Coolidge becomes President after President Warren G. Harding dies.
On this date in 1934, Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany.
On this date in 1937, the Marijuana Tax of 1937 is passed, effectively making marijuana illegal.
On this date in 1943, PT-109 is rammed and sunk.  Its commander, Lt John F. Kennedy, who would later become president manages to save all but two of his crew.
On this date in 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin incident occurs.
On this date in 1990, Iraq invades Kuwait.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
Elisha Gray
George E. Stewart
Jack Warner
Myrna Loy
Gary Merrill
Shimon Peres
James Baldwin
Carroll O'Connor
Betsy Bloomingdale
Peter O'Toole
Wes Craven
Dennis Prager
Lance Ito
Andrew Gold
Butch Patrick
Jim Neidhart
Linda Fratianne
Mary-Louise Parker
Kevin Smith
Edward Furlong

Movie quotes today come from the brilliant 1994 Woody Allen film "Bullets Over Broadway", in which Mary-Louise Parker appears:

Sid Loomis: You're a star because you're great and you are a great star, but let me tell you something, Helen. In the last couple of years you're better known as an adulteress and a drunk. And I say this in all due respect.
Helen Sinclair: Look, I haven't had a drink since New Year's Eve.
Sid Loomis: You're talking Chinese New Year's.
Helen Sinclair: Naturally. Still, that's two days, Sid! You know how long that is for me?


Helen Sinclair: Two martinis please, very dry.
David Shayne: How'd you know what I drank?
Helen Sinclair: Oh, you want one too? Three.


Sheldon Flender: [bragging] I have never had a play produced. That's right. And I've written one play a year for the past twenty years.
David Shayne: Yes, but that's because you're a genius. And the proof is that both common people and intellectuals find your work completely incoherent. Means you're a genius.


Helen Sinclair: Make love to me.
David Shayne: Here? Now?
Helen Sinclair: I see no reason to wait.
David Shayne: Jerome Kern is on the other side of the door.
Helen Sinclair: Yes, he's a wonderful composer. You'll have to meet him. Now hang up your pants.