Sunday, August 04, 2013

A war with no real winners

For those of us in the major cities where CBS and Time Warner Cable have gone to war, right now we are the only real losers.  In Los Angeles, we've lost access to KCBS Channel 2, KCAL Channel 9, Showtime and The Movie Channel (TMC).  That's because Time Warner decided to stop carrying those channels during their "dispute" with CBS over licensing fees.

CBS has responded by blocking access to their shows that can normally be viewed from their website, for those who have Time Warner Cable broadband.  I have both, so I don't get Channels 2 or 9 anymore (I don't subscribe to Showtime or TMC) and I can't watch any programs on the CBS website.

Both sides are urging us to become their foot soldiers in this war.  TWC wants me to call CBS and tell them to go back to the negotiating table and not to ask for such an outrageous increase in licensing fees.  CBS's commercial on the website that shows when you try to view their content from a TWC broadband connection tells me to call TWC and tell them I want my CBS back.

Right now, both sides are losing money over this impasse.  CBS gets ad revenue from their content that's viewed via their website.  TWC is going to have to give credits to their customers for loss of access to the networks that are no longer available.  CBS will lose licensing fees for the period they are blocked. 

Then again, should this really be happening?  Both of these companies are making profits.  Over $400 million in net income in the most recent quarter.  In fact, CBS' net income has been over $300 million in every quarter ending after March of 2011.  TWC's net income for the most recent quarter was $481 million.

So why is it they can't work out a compromise?  Because the head of CBS, Les Moonves told shareholders that CBS would be realizing $1 billion in revenue from cable licensing fees by 2017 and he will do whatever it takes to reach that figure.

The result is that we suffer because of corporate greed.  They're making hundreds of millions a quarter, but that's not enough.  In the end, the cable subscriber is going to be footing the bill for whatever deal they work out.  They'll get richer and we'll just pay more for the same service.

* * *

I think it's been 15 years since I last saw my brother and sister at the same time.  Until today.  They were in town for a wedding and my brother and I went to a movie.  Afterward, my sister and sister-in-law joined us for a visit.  They are only here a short time and have a crowded schedule, but I'm very glad they found time for us to get together.

While I think of them often and try to keep up to date on what's going on in their lives, the truth is we don't talk much.  It is as much my fault as anyone else's.  I'm not assigning blame to anyone but me.  I'm just remarking on how great it was to see them, and on how I hope it won't be anywhere near as long before we get together again.

* * *

Random Ponderings:

Did you know that there's a rule in baseball that allows an umpire to call a batter out on a strike-out, with only one pitch being thrown by the pitcher?  I didn't, but it's true.  Check rule 6.02(c) if you're curious.

If the driver in that horrific incident on the Venice Boardwalk did what he did deliberately, what the heck could he possibly have been hoping to accomplish?

Why would a Death Row inmate hang himself three days before his execution?

Continuing on with that thought above, why would jail officials only "suspect suicide"?  Wasn't he alone in the cell?  Did a guard hang him?

Who will blink first, CBS or Time Warner?

Can the Dodgers win their 15th straight road game tomorrow (Hell yes!!)?

What moron scheduled the Dodgers to play 20 games in 21 days (10 games, day off, 10 more games)?

How cool was it that the little boy who was hit by a flying bat at an Astros game returned the bat to the batter, because the kid knew he was on a 15 game hitting streak (very)?

Why is it that Tawana Brawley was subjected to nothing more than interest on the judgment for not paying Steven Pagones what she owes him for having defamed him (because there's no criminal penalty for not paying a civil judgment...but it's still annoying that she didn't begin payment for 15 years)? 

This Date in History:

On this date in the year 70, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple, in Jerusalem.
On this date in 1693, Dom Perignon reportedly invented champagne (did he really?)
On this date in 1873, Lt Col Custer's troops and the Sioux battled for the first time (only one death on each side, this time).
On this date in 1892, the parents of Lizzie Borden are found murdered in their home.
On this date in 1914, Germany invades Belguim.
On this date in 1944, Anne Frank and her family are arrested.
On this date in 1947, the Supreme Court of Japan is established.
On this date in 1958, the Billboard Hot 100 is published for the first time.
On this date in 1964, the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy report being attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin.
On this date in 1969, secret peace talks begin in Paris to try to end the war in Vietnam.  This particular set of talks will fail.
On this date in 1977, President Jimmy Carter signs legislation creating the Department of Energy.  :)
On this date in 1987, the FCC rescinds the Fairness Doctrine (don't mix that up with the Equal Time Doctrine, which is still in force).
On this date in 1993, Stacey Koon and Laurence Powell are sentenced to 30 months in prison for their role in the beating of Rodney King.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Leopold I
Pope Urban VII
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Louis Vuitton
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother
Louis Armstrong
Anita Page
Raoul Wallenberg
Warren Avis (yes, that's him)
Helen Thomas
Dallas Green
Richard Belzer
Billy Bob Thornton
Mary Decker
Barack Obama
Roger Clemens
Daniel Dae Kim
Michael DeLuise
Jeff Gordon
Meghan Markle
Greta Gerwig

Movie quotes today are from the very, very funny "Damsels in Distress" which stars Greta Gerwig:

Violet: I took the commuter train to Villa Franka and I checked into a cheap motel there.
Rose: The Motel Six?
Violet: No, the Motel 4. It's even less expensive.


Violet: Do you know what's the major problem in contemporary social life? The tendency to always seek someone cooler than yourself.


Violet: Have you ever heard the expression, prevention is nine tenths the cure? Well in the case of suicide, it's ten tenths the cure.


Violet: Poor Lily. Xavier just used her body, and not even the right side!