Saturday, July 13, 2013

And the verdict is...

After 12 hours of deliberations, the jury that will decide the fate of George Zimmerman had a question for the judge.  They wanted clarification on what constitutes manslaughter. 

Whoever pranked the news team at KTVU is probably still laughing their asses off at what they did.  You can watch and listen here:  I've been told that the NTSB spokesperson who confirmed the names for KTVU said his name was Dirk Diggler.  That should have raised a red flag right there.  Perhaps they took their inspiration from this very old prank:

Supporters of abortion rights in Texas say the fight is not over, even after a bill to severely limit abortions within the state passed the Texas State Senate.  Governor Perry will sign it, but opponents are already planning challenges.

Chris Brown wants you to know he did not take down the mural on his house because the city of Los Angeles forced him to.  He chose to take it down as he prepares to sell the house.

Fans trying to get to Dodger Stadium to watch tonight's game between the Dodgers and the Rockies should have left earlier, or taken alternative transportation (or an alternate route).  A fire involving a truck carrying over 7,000 gallons of fuel has closed lanes and snarled traffic near the intersection of Interstate 5 and California Highway 2.

Dave Hester has lost his lawsuit against the producers of "Storage Wars" and the A&E Network, which airs the reality program.  He was ordered pay their legal costs.

Actress Sanaa Latham is denying published reports that she's been involved in an extra-marital affair with Denzel Washington.  The two were in "Out of Time" together back in 2003 and there were rumors that they were involved back then as well.

Kim Kardashian was one of 14 patients at Cedars-Sinai Hospital during the period of June 18-24 who had their records improperly accessed.  Six hospital employees were fired for the unauthorized accessing of files.

Tara Reid says she is ready to sign on for "Sharknado 2".