Thursday, July 11, 2013

Is there veritas in vino?

I was with friends last night and the conversation turned to drinking alcohol for a moment.  I don't drink that stuff anymore but back in the day I had my share of nights where I might have imbibed too much.  I mentioned an anecdote from my past.  I had gone to my favorite night spot, following a trip home to run, shower and change clothes.  I'd had more than a few, shot some pool and wound up taking a woman home.  I'd never seen or talked to this woman before, but there we were; about to do the "wild thing".  Suddenly she asks "will you still respect me in the morning?"

Now perhaps if I hadn't been drinking, I might have given a better response.  Or at least I might not have said "hell no, I don't respect you now.  We just met and here you are in my bedroom."  She got upset and left.

I wasn't all that great at picking up women in bars, and so seeing one run off was more than a bit disappointing.  I just went to sleep.

So when I hear someone say "In Vino Veritas", I buy into that particular adage.

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Brandi Glanville is right.  That she got drunk and suffered a major wardrobe malfunction as she tottered out of the bar on her towering heels is not "murder".  Brandi's comments about no one should criticize her until they are perfect means that Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Briney Spears, all of whom have famously flashed their "hoo-haa" and had it captured for posterity; can't call Brandi out on this one.

I'm not sure how the guys who were with her, who she described as "her gays" will react to that statement.  Depending on how you read that, they're her chattel, her entourage, or whatever.

But she's right.  It isn't murder.  I just hope she didn't drive home.  Then it could have become murder.

* * *

I thought about Randy Travis this morning as I contemplated reaching for the salt shaker.  My scrambled eggs were particularly flavorless and since I've managed to drop my "dry weight" a couple pounds I was thinking that having a little salt on this morning wasn't that big a deal.

Then I remembered, it isn't one of those things you get to do from time to time.  Oh it can be, but the best choice when you live with congestive heart failure (CHF) is to put down the sale for good.  I still eat some things I love, in moderation.  But I don't cover French fries, popcorn or scrambled eggs with salt anymore.  I don't have canned soup or those cup of noodle things, because they are loaded with sodium.

Randy Travis is a year older than me.  He had a stroke in the hospital, in spite of the fact they were almost certainly pumping him full of blood thinners.

Funny thing.  After thinking about him for a minute, my salt-less eggs tasted just fine.

* * *

Jay-Z wants to represent Yasiel Puig.  Either he has his eye on the long-term, or he figures he can really clean up on endorsement deals for Puig, who may be the biggest rising star in major league baseball.

Puig has an agent.  That agent negotiated a seven year, $42 million contract for him.  That agent will get the full commission on every dollar paid to Puig under that contract.

This means that even if Jay-Z is successful in convincing Puig to let him become his agent, he won't make any money from the player's baseball salary for almost seven years.  Either he thinks six seasons from now, Puig will sign a Pujols sized contract, or that he can generate a whole lot of revenue in the interim from endorsements.

If I had a moment to whisper in Puig's ear, I'd tell him to stay with his current representation, or hire a really experienced sports agent.  Jay-Z might become one of those, but he's nowhere near there, yet.

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Random ponderings:

How many people will get a brain freeze for free today, by stopping at 7-11 and having a free slurpee? 

What would you say if a young, attractive woman asked if she could swim naked in the pool at your home?  Some dude in Tennessee said yes, and it cost him dearly.  While he watched her skinny-dipping and wrapped her in a towel afterward, someone she was in cahoots with robbed his house.

Should a man be charged with theft for stealing from a city's supply of asphalt in order to fix potholes on the city's streets?  

What is the real reason Cote de Pablo has chosen to leave CBS' "NCIS"?  Everyone says it was her decision, but why?  Good gig, lots of money, time off to do other things when they aren't filming. 

Why do people take eggs to Death Valley to see if it really is hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk?  Or better still, why don't they clean up after themselves after the egg doesn't fry?

Did a WalMart location in Canada really fire an employee because she told a customer he shouldn't be leaving his dog locked up in his car?  Or is it appropriate for an employer to tell employees that what customers do outside of the store isn't an employee's business?

* * *

This Date in History:

On this date in 1533, Pope Clement VII excommunicates King Henry VIII of England (you think the pope was jealous that the king had more Roman numerals in his title?)
On this date in 1850, Halifax, Nova Scotia is almost completely destroyed by a fire.
On this date in 1798, the U.S. Marine Corps is re-established.
On this date in 1804, Vice-President Aaron Burr mortally wounds Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a duel.  (
On this date in 1889, Tijuana is founded.
On this date in 1914, George Herman "Babe" Ruth makes his debut in major league baseball.
Also on this date in 1914, the U.S.S. Nevada is launched.
On this date in 1921, former U.S. President William Howard Taft is sworn in as the Chief Justice of the United States.
On this date in 1960, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is published for the first time.
On this date in 1972, the first game of the World Chess Championship match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky begins in Iceland (Spassky won game 1 but lost the match).
On this date in 1977, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, posthumously.
On this date in 1979, Skylab is destroyed as it re-enters Earth's atmosphere.
Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Robert the Bruce
Sarah Good
John Quincy Adams
E.B. White
Yul Brynner
Brett Somers
Tab Hunter
Giorgio Armani
Bruce McGill ( [that's McGill on the left])
Bonnie Pointer
Leon Spinks
Sela Ward
Richie Sambora
Suzanne Vega
Lisa Rinna
Nadya Suleman (Octo-Mom)
Lil' Kim

Today's movie quotes come from 2005's "Wedding Crashers"

John Beckwith: How long have you and the Secretary been married?
Kathleen Cleary: 30 years next April.
John Beckwith: That's beautiful.
Kathleen Cleary: Yeah. And we were faithful for two of them.


John Beckwith: That brings us to the question of frequent flyer miles.
Mrs. Kroeger: I want them.
John Beckwith: Know what we're gonna do? We're gonna split them right down the middle. How would that be, Mr Kroeger?
Mr. Kroeger: It would be not good at all. I earned those miles.
Mrs. Kroeger: Yeah, you earned them flying to Denver to meet your whore.
Mr. Kroeger: She's not afraid to express herself sexually if that's what you mean.
Mrs. Kroeger: She's a stripper, for God's sake.
Mr. Kroeger: She is not.
Mrs. Kroeger: Her name is Chastity. She is white trash, same as you. Hillbilly!


John Beckwith: I'd like to be pimps from Oakland or cowboys from Arizona but it's not Halloween. Grow up Peter Pan, Count Chocula.