Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Politics really does make strange bedfellows

Yesterday's look at eye-catching headlines made mention of the death of New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg and how it was likely that the state's governor, Chris Christie would appoint a Republican in his place.  He surprised everyone by saying today that there will be a special election this coming October to replace Lautenberg, just weeks before the regularly scheduled election.  More on this issue on tomorrow's daily blog.

Remember the name Heath Campbell?  Probably not.  I'm sure you remember his son's name, Adolf Hitler Campbell.  Heath is the father of three children who have been taken from his home by social services.  He went to court for a hearing to try and secure visitation rights to see his younger son, Heinrich Hons Campbell.  Mr. Campbell decided to go all out and dressed in his Nazi uniform.  http://uk.news.yahoo.com/dad-wears-nazi-uniform-child-custody-case-102046260.html#7I9FZKK

The so-called "female James Bond" was acquitted of murder charges in a L.A. courtroom.  Kelly Soo Park had been charged with the strangulation murder of aspiring model Juliana Redding.

In the case of the Aurora, CO theater shooting, the judge has now accepted a plea of "not guilty by reason of insanity", which means we will be waiting for months now for doctors to decide if James Holmes was insane at the time he shot and killed 12, injuring 70.  Stay tuned.

A fisherman caught a big mako shark.  How big?  Over 1,300 pounds big.  That's a record of some sort.

Remember those see-through black yoga pants?  They're back in Lulelemon Athletica stores, but they are no longer transparent in the "rear".  Additional layers of fabric were added to that area.  Of course, they're still going to cost you around $90 a pair.

You can also look to tomorrow's daily blog (if there weren't an important Kings game later, I'd do it tonight) for commentary on the next story.  In New Mexico, a transgender student didn't get to take part in graduation ceremonies at his Catholic high school because the administration insisted he wear a white robe for girls rather than the black robe that boys wear.  He was born a girl but has been living as a boy since last year.  He chose to skip the ceremony.

Meanwhile, at an Alabama private school a graduating senior defied the then-Headmaster's edict not to wear a feather on her cap during the ceremony.  She is a Native American and the feather is part of her heritage.  Her transcripts and diploma are being withheld until she pays a $1,000 "fine".

Amazon.com is planning to expand into the online grocery market, which it has been serving in the Seattle area for some time now.  AmazonFresh will expand to the L.A. area very soon and to San Francisco later this year.

The President of Ohio State University is stepping down, almost immediately after admitting his comments about Notre Dame and Catholics were highly inappropriate.

As if the world didn't have enough already with the Chuck Norris facts, now people are coming up with facts about the Atlanta Braves rookie sensation Evan Gattis.  A couple of my favorite Chuck Norris facts:

Chuck Norris is allowed two carry-ons on airplanes.
Chuck Norris can get Chick-Fil-A on Sundays.
Chuck Norris uses pepper spray to spice up his meals.
Lord Voldemort says that it is Chuck Norris who shall-not-be-named.

While Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebilius told a congressional panel that she won't intervene in the case of a ten year old girl who is going to die within weeks without a lung transplant that she isn't eligible for because she's under 12; no one is saying much about the fact that singer Lou Reed, age 71, is recovering from a liver transplant.  Yes, transplant decisions should be left to medical experts and they should be outcome oriented and the most needy should be top priority.

Amanda Bynes has a new job offer.  Playboy Radio wants her to host a daily one-hour show of "Ask Ashley", which you may recall was part of her ascent to fame.  But she turned down the offer, saying she was too busy making a record.