Thursday, May 23, 2013

News headlines that caught my eye on Thursday

The Boy Scouts of America will admit gays to the ranks of scouting, but not to their leadership ranks.  The ban on gay boys becoming scouts will officially end on January 1st.

One day after she took the Fifth Amendment when asked to testify before Congress,  IRS official Lois Lerner has been replaced as the head of the IRS office that overseas non-profit organizations.  One source says she has been placed on administrative leave.

In the wake of revelations that a 4th American was killed by a U.S. drone, overseas, President Obama has altered the standard for using drones overseas.  Now targets must present a "continuing, imminent threat" instead of a "significant threat" which was the old standard.  Also, there must be a "near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured" before an attack can be approved.

If you live in the L.A. area and you're a "foodie", you should become a "member" of the L.A. Times, if you aren't already.  Otherwise you'll be unable to peruse Jonathan Gold's list of the 101 best restaurants in Southern California.  From Santa Monica to the Valley to Downtown, to Compton and the South Bay, it's all there.  It would be wrong to disclose any of the included eateries here, but I will mention that one of the best burger joints in town is there, along with probably the best place to get a pastrami sandwich.

Leimert Park and Westchester will have stops on the proposed Crenshaw Metro Line.

As the district attorney's office prepares to re-try the former officials of the city of Bell on charges where the jury couldn't reach a verdict in their first corruption trial, it turns out the city may be in serious financial trouble.  With legal bills now about to exceed $4 million, they are on the hook for taxes collected illegally and now that they aren't collecting those taxes, the city's revenues have plunged.

A diner refused to pay for a steak and squid dinner that he claimed was too rare and then allegedly assaulted the owner and an employee of the eatery.  He has been arrested.  It is worth noting that he ate almost all of the meal before complaining.

Jake Davidson is a high school kid who asked Kate Upton to be his date to the prom and she said yes, schedule permitting.  Alas, the schedule did not permit.  But now he's going to be squiring a supermodel to the prom after all.  Nina Agdal, also a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, among other things will be his date.

Steve Forrest has passed away at the age of 87.  He will be best remembered for his role as Lieutenant Dan "Hondo" Harrelson, commander of the team on "S.W.A.T.", an ABC TV series of the mid 1970s, but he started out as a feature film actor who won a Golden Globe as "Most Promising Newcomer" in 1954.  He also did a 15 episode arc on the 1980s version of "Dallas".

A man claiming to be "Stephen Disney" has been arrested for burglary and possessing a phony driver's license.  He got caught when passes to Disneyland that he gave to a charity for a raffle.  When they turned out to be stolen, he got nailed.

Psy was at Cannes.  He was also in Singapore at the same time.  Not possible, so which was the real Psy?  The one in Singapore.  The one in Cannes did a great impression of the real thing, getting into A-list parties and scamming plenty of free food and drink.  When the real Psy learned about his doppleganger, he tweeted:  "seems like there's another ME at cannes...say Hi to him @scooterbraun lol

Donald Trump has won in a Chicago courtroom.  He was being sued for millions based on allegations he'd cheated an investor in a real estate deal.

The "Be Kind" tattoo on the wrist of a 34 year old Iowa woman is a reminder of how she celebrated her 34th birthday.  She committed 34 acts of random kindness, leaving a calling card along with each urging the recipient to pay it forward.  She left quarters at a laundromat, handed out Subway gift cards to the homeless and thanked firefighters for protecting the community by giving them boxes of chocolates.

When the U.S. men's basketball team known as "Team USA" begins the process of qualifying for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, Coach "K" will be at the helm after all.  Mike Krzyewski, also head coach of the Duke University men's team had previously stated he would no longer coach Team USA.  Now he has apparently changed his mind and it is good news for USA basketball fans.

If Conan O'Brien has his way, there will be a Simpsons cameo in the next Star Wars film.

An NBA basketball executive has been tweeting some of the more moronic answers to questions he has asked potential draft selections and they are doozies.  My favorite is:  "Can you pass a drug test?" to which the recruit responded "Today??"

The New York Jets may have given up on Tim Tebow but Chuck Norris hasn't.  He says Tebow belongs in the NFL and that Jacksonville should draft him.

In the upcoming Robert Rodriguez film "Machete Kills", Charlie Sheen will be credited as "Carlos Estevez".

A well-known MMA fighter is suing the manufacturer of a "performance enhancing" gel that was supposed to enhance his sexual performance.  But Waylon Lowe claims using the gel has left his manhood has suffered "catastrophic and permanent" damage.

Eva Longoria just got a Masters Degree in Chicano and Chicana studies from Cal State University Northridge.  Good for her!

Amanda Bynes has learned the hard way that having a suspended driver's license can cause other problems.  She was denied passage on a private jet after she could not come up with any current form of government ID.