Monday, May 20, 2013

Come Monday, it will be....the headlines

At this hour, warning sirens are going off again in Oklahoma, as tornadoes continue to ravage the area.  The death toll has risen to two, and may well increase.  Two schools in Moore, OK (a suburb of Oklahoma City) have been destroyed and reporters are saying there is a swath of destruction more than a mile wide in the area.

In a story that the L.A. Times, CNN and the major TV network news operations are ignoring at this hour, the Washington Post is reporting that the Justice Department went even further in an investigation into a Fox News reporter than just obtaining his phone records.  In their investigation into data leaked to James Rosen, Fox's chief Washington correspondent, DOJ tracked his phone records, read his emails and even tracked when he went in and out of the State Department by accessing security badge records.

Crossroads GPS, the "social welfare" organization run by Bush strategist Karl Rove is now claiming it too is under "scrutiny" by the IRS in the agency's partisan examination of conservative organizations claiming non-profit status.  Thus far there is absolutely no evidence that President Obama or any high-ranking officials in his administration were aware of what was going on in the IRS's processing of non-profit 501(c)(4) applications that received extraordinary scrutiny.

The penalty phase of the trial of Jody Arias took an unexpected recess today as key defense witnesses received death threats.  Judge Sherry Stevens, who is presiding over the trial, also denied a second request from the defense team representing Arias to be allowed to withdraw as her attorneys.

That's a song by the late Harry Chapin, titled "30,000 Pounds of Bananas".  Today that song sort of came to life, as a truck loaded with fruit estimated to weight 35,000 lbs crashed on the 210 Freeway in Monrovia.

Los Angeles County and Orange County run 1st and 2nd in a study of which California counties have the most homes within them that are worth $1 million or more.

Ray Manzarek has died at the age of 74.  He and band co-founder Jim Morrison met while they were both film students at UCLA. 

Entertainer Sinbad has filed for bankruptcy, again.  He filed in 2009 but his filing was denied because he didn't submit the right forms.  He claims to be making only $16,000 per month while listing tax debts of more than $10 million and hundreds of thousands of credit card debt.  The filing lists 4 vehicles he will probably get to keep and 200 copies of his book that don't seem to be selling on

The woman on the arm of Zack Galifanakis at the premiere of "Hangover III" won't be his mother.  It will be 87 year old Mimi Haist, a woman that the actor rescued from homelessness. 

Apparently Taylor Swift isn't a "Belieber".  She stuck her tongue out when her BFF Selena Gomez gave the Beibs a peck on the check at the Billboard Music Awards last night.

The NFL owners will vote tomorrow to select a city to host the 50th Superbowl.  San Francisco is favored to be named the host city.

The moral of this next story is check and double-check those airport codes.  A couple was flying from Los Angeles to what they thought was Dakar, Senegal (code DKR).  Instead, Turkish Airlines put them on a flight to Dhaka, Bangladesh (code DAC).  They thought DAC was the code for Dakar and didn't notice the mistake until their flight was well on its way from the transfer point in Istanbul.  Fortunately they were able to show the airline it wasn't their fault and they finally got to their destination.  Their luggage even made it there two days later.

A soldier returning home from a year in Afghanistan got a surprise at the airport when he stepped off the plane.  His wife wasn't half the woman she used to be.  She'd shed 100 lbs during his tour of duty abroad.  And she'd also bought a house for the couple.  Nice job!

In the Athlete Arrest of the day, a two for one.  Seattle Seahawks QB Josh Portis was busted for DUI, while Boston Celtics guard Terrence Williams was arrested for allegedly brandishing a gun at the mother of his child.