Saturday, April 06, 2013

There was a book....

published back in the mid 1970s.  "What Really Happened to the Class of 65".  It became a short-lived TV series.  It followed what had happened to a number of the graduates of the Class of 1965 from Palisades High School.

It's an era that we continue to romaticize and memorialized in film, television and books.  One such novel is the latest movie from director/star Robert Redford, "The Company You Keep".  It explores one narrow slice of that time in our history that was a very dark period.  A time when government moved to suppress the rights of the people to peacefully protest.  A time when government law enforcement agencies engaged in illegal activities to try to monitor what people were doing that might lead to violence.  Phrases like COINTELPRO have little meaning to the generations that followed.  Perhaps we need to study that part of our nation's history more closely, and learn from what happened.  Today's outcries against the "1%" sound a lot like the Weather Underground's anti-imperalism statements.

I went for an unplanned walk yesterday.  I was at the Landmark theater and realized I had a gift card for a store on the far side of the Westside Pavilion from where I was.  I pondered going down to my car and driving to the other side so I wouldn't have to walk all the way up and back across the mall.  I decided I could make it, although I might have to stop and rest mid-way.  By the time I had made the walk, used my gift card and walked back, I was gasping for air.  But I recovered quickly enough and felt proud I'd made the walk.

Until later in the day.  One of the things they tell you to do when you suffer from plantar fascitis is to rest the foot.  A few hours after that walk, my plantar fascitis was aching more than ever before.  It didn't subside until this morning, when I'd spent 6 or so hour sleeping and off of the foot.  I need to get something working to cure this thing.  If I can't walk because it's going to ache like hell later, that's another barrier to getting better.

Am I the only one who wants to reach through the television, grab the GEICO gekko and slap it for its latest commercial where it is over-acting?

H-1B visas are how high-tech workers from other countries get permission to come here and take jobs for which there aren't Americans with the skills to do the work.  The economy has approved so much that the cap on such visa applications in the current cycle was reached in five days.  Last year it took two months to read the cap.  My question is, what are we doing as a nation to reduce the need to import high-tech workers with the skill sets that employers need?  Why are we not prioritizing education, particularly the college educations that people say don't lead to jobs that pay enough to allow repayment of student loans?

Clearly Carmen Electra was channeling the taste and style of her ex-husband, Dennis Rodman when she chose that outfit.  Those might even be his sneakers.

Organizers who put together last year's Republican Convention offered Lady Gaga $1 million to appear.  They're either stupid or dreamers.  They could have offered her $10 million and she wasn't going to show up and even appear to be supporting Mitt Romney.  But I think she made a mistake.  I think she should have taken the money, performed and then after the song, announced she is voting for Obama and donating the $1 million they paid her to the PAC supporting his reelection.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1199, King Richard I of England dies from infection after an arrow was removed from his shoulder.
On this date in 1712, the New York Slave Revolt takes place.
On this date in 1895, Oscar Wilde is arrested after losing a libel case against the Marquess of Queensbury.
On this date in 1909, Robert Pearty and Matthew Henson reach the South Pole.
On this date in 1917, the U.S. declares war on Germany.
On this date in 1929, Huey P. Long, governor of Louisiana is impeached.
On this date in 1973, the American League begins use of the designated hitter.

Famous Folk Born Today:

Ivan Dixon
Merle Haggard
Billy Dee Williams
Roy Thinnes
John Sculley
Pedro Armendariz, Jr.
Don "The Snake" Prudhomme
Barry Levinson
John Ratzenberger
Bert Blyleven
Michael Rooker
Mika Koivuniemi
Paul Rudd
Jason Hervey