Monday, April 01, 2013

A look at Monday headlines that caught my eye

In the headlines, a federal judge has ruled that the city of Stockton is eligible to file for bankruptcy protection, over the objections of creditors who claim the city could raise more money.  Expect the creditors to appeal to a higher court.

The driver charged with DUI in the fatal Nevada crash that killed five members of an L.A. area family told authorities that he “had too many beers” prior to getting behind the wheel.  He remains in jail on $3.5 million bail.

Tourism in India is off by 25%, particularly among female tourists, in the wake of several incidents of rape (the idiot who wrote “violent rape” in the news story doesn’t get it that all rapes are an act of violence) that have attracted worldwide attention.

Today is opening day at Chavez Ravine and many fans attending the game are giving positive reviews of the $100 million worth of improvements done to the stadium since last season.  Can’t wait to see them for myself.

An Ohio man went to church on Easter Sunday and shot his father to death.  Reshad Riddle is being held on a charge of aggravated murder and two weapons charges.  He has two prior convictions for felonious assaults.  No word on a possible motive.

Police are now saying that the man who drove his car into a WalMart location that they believe he was under the influence of drugs at the time of the incident.

A patient in a San Diego area hospital on life support will not be taken off of it, after his family waged a very public battle against the hospital’s Ethics Committee decision to remove life support.  He had a heart attack after botched weight loss surgery in Tijuana and has been on life support for almost two months.  He will be moved to another hospital.  The family had alleged that the decision to remove life support might have been connected to his health insurance running out.

In Coos Bay, OR (made famous by runner Steve Prefontaine), there is a Vietnam veteran’s memorial in Mingus Park.  Now a local veteran is seeking to have a cross that sits atop the memorial, removed.  He says it violates the separation of church and state.

A bakery in Fort Mill, SC is taking flack for making “equality cupcakes”, showing the red and white equal sign that has become very popular of late.  Some locals have vowed not to patronize the store again due to their mixing of “politics and pastry”.

In Florida, a caged dog bit a boy who was attempting to pet it through the bars of the cage, severing the boy’s pinky finger.  The boy’s father shot the dog to death and then removed the finger from its stomach, before the boy was taken to a hospital.

Kendell Jenner has tweeted a photo of her closet as she was in the midst of “spring cleaning”, inspiring jealousy and criticism.

The 21 year old star of “Buckwild”, Shain Gandee, was found dead with two others in an SUV.  Reports are the vehicle was trapped in mud and the three may have died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Donald Trump has dropped his lawsuit seeking $5 million from Bill Maher, but a spokesperson for the Donald says the complaint was withdrawn to be amended and re-filed at a later date.